Persian Scottish Fold Cat Mix

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If you are adopting a Persian Scottish fold cat mix then you are at the right place! These cats have sweet temperaments and excellent additions to the home as feline friends.

They are normally not lap cats because they are active cats. These cats are easily prone to health issues and do not enjoy the quality of cat life.

Persian Scottish Fold cats like to play with other cats, singles, and families without children because they don’t like any type of irritation and noisy places.

Let us dive deep into the topic to know everything about these cats.

What is Persian Scottish Fold Cat Mix?

This cat is interesting crossing between two popular cats Persian and Scottish. Scottish fold are domestic cats with natural gene mutation by which they have folded ears.

These cats have folds that bend downward to their face and their face are shaped like owls.

Scottish Fold became the breed’s name in 1966.Scottish fold varyingly known as :

  •  Highland Fold,
  • Scottish Fold Longhair,
  • Longhair Fold
  • Coupari.

What is the difference between a Persian cat and a ScottishFold cat?

Persian cat

Persian cats are also known as the longhair breed famous for their flat-faced shortnose, fluffy coat, and large expressive eyes.

These cats originated from Iran (nowadays) and then exported to other countries such as Italy, North America, Germany, etc.

These cats are now spread worldwide and breeders use this cat to produce new mixes of cats.

Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold is an indoor breed and should be raised as such from kittenhood on. They should not be allowed to roam outside, as they are prone to injury or even abduction.

They do not require a lot of space but will appreciate an area where they can run around and explore safely

These cats must be well groomed well maintained and always be healthy.

History and Origin of Persian Scottish Fold Mix Cat

The original white barn cat named Susie found in Scotland has a folded ear and is bent forward. This Sussie cat was found in 1961.

This cat give two kittens with folded ears. afterward, these cats are given to Cats Fanciers Association, in its experiments the cats give birth to 76 kittens with 42 folded ears and 34 unfolded ears.

The ancestor of all Scottish fold cats is Sussie!

Temperament & Intelligence of the Persian Scottish Fold Mix 🧠

Persians and Scottish Folds are similar in various respects, making it easy to predict what their kittens will be like. Both cats are loving and not particularly lively, though the Persian is much quieter than the Scottish Fold.

Early socialization of your cat is always a good idea because it acquaints them with various circumstances and people. The Persian is selective in whom it exhibits affection, yet they remain amicable.

The Scottish Fold is a smart dog that can be trained to retrieve and walk on a leash. The Persian is moderately intelligent, although training can be difficult.

More patience and time will be required on your behalf. They aren’t needy in the sense that they require you to entertain them all the time.

You won’t have to worry about them being alone when you’re at work or out with pals. When you return home, they will, of course, expect your full attention. But that was to be expected!

Are These Cats Good for Families?


When considering a cat for a family, it’s crucial to spend time with the individual cat before deciding. Each cat has its personality, regardless of breed characteristics.

Additionally, consider factors such as the age of the cat, as kittens may require more time and energy than adult cats.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

This breed of cats are good with other pets such as dog, birds, etc, and is also known as multi-pet cats

  • Scottish Folds are known for their gentle nature, and many can get along well with other pets, including cats and dogs.
  • They may appreciate companionship, but the introduction process should be gradual to allow them to adjust to new animals in the household.
  • Positive reinforcement, treats, and supervised interactions can help foster positive relationships between pets.

The Lifespan of Persian Scottish Fold Cat Mix

Lifespan depends upon the grooming health issues and other cats’ requirements. These cats have an average lifespan of 12-15 years if you take care of your cat.

How much is a Persian Scottish Fold Cat?

Scottish cats are one of the most expensive ct between breeders because these cats have less population than other cats,

These cats are around 3000$ and above from it.

Things to Know When Owning a Persian Scottish Fold Mix:

Food & Diet Requirements 🐡

These cats do not require specific diets, but it is advisable to choose a high-quality diet that is high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and moderate in fat.

This, of course, changes if your cat inherits the folded ears of the Scottish Fold. Osteochondrodysplasia affects the bones and joints, thus your cat may require a joint-healthy diet with low-fat content.

Consult your veterinarian if you believe your cat will benefit from this. Any major dietary decisions should always be discussed with your veterinarian first.


If your cat inherits the flat face of the Persian, it may develop lacrimal tears, which is a discharge between their eyes and nose. This can make their face look dirty, and you will need to use cat wipes to keep them clean.

If your cat has inherited folded ears from the Scottish Fold side of their parentage, you will need to check their ears for mites, dirt, and signs of irritation or infection.

. Cats in pain often struggle to groom themselves like healthy cats, and you might need to bathe your cat every 4 to 6 weeks.


The Persian Scottish Fold mix will be a laid-back cat. Persians live a quiet, tranquil existence, while Scottish Folds are just mildly active. Persians aren’t particularly active because their flat faces can cause respiratory problems.

This means you’ll have to get your cat to move. To encourage your cat to play indoors, purchase toys and puzzles. You may also acquire toys that have compartments for treats or food to promote your cat’s natural hunting drive. You may watch them hunt, chase, and catch all they want.


Persian Scottish Fold Cat mixes are sweet quiet and of calm nature they are easily prone to health issues. If you have a Persian Scottish cat then you must take care of it because it matter of life and death.

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