Why My Persian Cat Is Not Meowing?

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Persian cats are popular for their gentle and affectionate nature. Compared to other cats, Persian cats are less vocal than other cats, they mostly like a calm environment. But what if your cat doesn’t ever meow? Is that normal? Well, it depends.

In this article, we discuss reasons why your Persian cat does not meow much in detail.

Brief Summary

  • Some cats are naturally quieter than others. If your cat has always been quiet, not meowing is perfectly normal.
  • If your cat has suddenly stopped meowing, see a vet. Suddenly stopping meowing may be caused by issues arising in the larynx (voice box), and it could point to other health issues as well.
  • Most cats who don’t meow will vocalize in other ways, including purrs, trills, chirps, and other sounds.

Why Can’t My Cat Meow From Birth?

If the kitten has not meowed, since birth, sometimes it can be a personality issue as some breeds of cats are too talkative but if we talk about Persian cats they are less vocal cats. These cats are only vocal when are in fear, anxiety, and pain.

But sometimes it can be a serious health issue such as upper respiratory problems. Visit your vet and make sure that you with different tests and checks.

Why Can’t My Cat Meow Anymore?

Cat laryngitis is often the result of infectious diseases in the upper respiratory system. The major causes by which cat does not meow anymore, so cured, these conditions.

Why Can't My Cat Meow Anymore?

  • Inhaled irritants, such as smoke or dust
  • Blockage in the larynx
  • Object lodged in the throat
  • Paralysis of laryngeal nerve
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Growth in the throat (benign, cancerous
  • Eosinophilic granuloma complex
  • Throat cancer

Why Have I Never Heard My Cat Meow?

Please don’t panic if you have never heard your cat meow. This does not imply that everything is inherently incorrect. Some cats don’t feel the urge to vocalize because they are by nature quieter. Instead, perhaps they purr or chirrup? Meowing may not be among the many vocalizations that cats use to communicate, as there are many kinds.

In any case, you shouldn’t be concerned if your cat pal hasn’t meowed in as long as you can remember. They’re just not as talkative as other cats, which is probably because of their personality. There’s no reason to be concerned about their absence of meowing if they appear content and healthy otherwise.

Not Meowing – Now Or Never?

First of all, we need to know—is it a new or old problem that you’ve noticed? Has your cat always been quiet, or did they used to meow and now suddenly don’t? This is important to know before we start discussing causes.

If this issue is new to your Persian cat, then it is a sign of illness and disturbance. Visit your veterinarian and make sure that your cat has no health issues and is sometimes less vocal of cats due to personality issues.

Some pet parents have never heard their cat meow!

Reasons Why Your Cat Has Suddenly Stopped Meowing

1. Stress

Stress may be the cause if your cat becomes silent and stops vocalizing. Cat behavior can be greatly impacted by stress. Some cats may become silent and withdrawn when they are under stress. They may spend less time interacting with their owners and are less inclined to use vocalization as a means of gaining attention.

Anything like a new animal, baby, house relocation, or simply a guest staying for a few days might be stressful. Moving around beds, litter boxes, and other specific items aggravate cats more than anything else, and it can cause them a lot of discomfort.

Look for anything that might be stressing out your cat if they aren’t meowing anymore. For instance, suppose you see both your cat and a different cat.

2. Upper respiratory Infection

Upper respiratory infections and viruses can cause serious problems that can cause a lot of inflammation, and even they can lose their voice and change their voice to become hoarse. You’ll likely notice other symptoms such as; sneezing, eye or nasal discharge (runny nose), and some lethargy.

3. Cancer

Unfortunately, cancer is on this list, but thankfully, it’s a less common cause. Cancer can manifest in many ways, including tumors of the upper respiratory tract. Any growths or masses in this area can change the sound of our cat’s meow and even cause them to stop meowing entirely. This case would be more likely in an older cat that has suddenly stopped meowing.

Persian Cats’ Vocal Range: More Than Just Meows

If we talk about cats they communicate by meowing and purring. Here we discuss what type of sounds cats use for different purposes. As the owner Persian cat, these are less vocal and less likely to meow.

Persian cats are no exception, but their vocal range may be a little different from what you’d expect.

Purring: A Persian’s True Voice

Persian cats are experts at purring. They use this soothing, low-frequency sound to express contentment, and happiness, and even to communicate with their owners.

Purring of a Persian cat is a calming experience and most Persian cats purr only with the most trusted person.

Chirping: When Birds and Cats Collide

Another sound Persian cats are known for is chirping. This cute, bird-like noise is usually made when they’re observing birds or other interesting sights outside the window. Chirping is a way for them to express their excitement and curiosity about the world around them.

Hissing: Leave Me Alone, Please!

Hissing is a universal cat sound, and Persian cats are no exception. They use hissing to express fear, anger, or annoyance. While Persian cats are generally gentle and affectionate, they might hiss if they feel threatened or invade their personal space.


In the last, we can say that Persian cats are less vocal and rarely vocal when their mood strikes. If your cat was vocal before but now has stopped the vocalization, then this is a matter of tension.

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