Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Pillow?

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Cats are known for their loving personality and affectionate nature. So the cats express themselves in several ways. Sometimes you see your cat that they are sleeping near you Or above you.

But have you ever thought about why the cats sleep on your pillow? They might sleep on your pillow due to various reasons. They might feel secure and safe when they are close to you. Or maybe they are showing their love and affection to you.

In this article, we will explore why the cats sleep on my pillow. Is it good for us? If it have any disadvantages? We may also look into the reasons why they slept on the pillow.

Why Has My Cat Started Sleeping On My Pillow?

There are many reasons for this. If your feline friend has started to sleep on your pillow, it may have started due to stress, anxiety, a change in environment, and a change in the season.

Why Has My Cat Started Sleeping On My Pillow?

Or maybe you have just brought another pet into the house and your cozy friend is jealous and wants to seek attention. If your cat is scared of the new dog, she may feel safer and in control by sleeping on your pillow at night.

The reason your cat has started to sleep on your pillow:

The reasons your cat has started to sleep on your pillow may be due to the:

They are seeking warmth

It is the truth that the cats do not like to be cold. They spend half of their daytime finding a relaxing, warm place to sleep on.  Heat escapes through humans’ heads, making the pillow the warmest place in town for your cat. Cats have a warmer body temperature than humans, averaging around 102 °F, which is why they prefer warm environments.

They are seeking warmth

The pillow is the best option rather than sleeping under covers, which will be too hot. Your pillow provides enough warmth, and your cat can be warm and close to you simultaneously.


Usually, we all know that cats are independent creatures. They typically do not show their love and affection toward anyone like the dogs. But sometimes they can show love for you through various activities.

Cat show affection

Maybe your cat wants to be near you and show affection towards you, and the nearest place by which they can show their love is the pillow. If you are giving your cat the best treatment and treat them properly, then they will be as close to you as possible even when sleeping.

Protection and trust

Cats are so alert, and they know everything about their surroundings. Wild cats sleep in high places so they can’t be attacked during their sleep. Domesticated cats also adopt this thing and do the same.

Now the felines have developed the social skills like to understand the human emotional signal. If you see that your cat has slept on your pillow, then you should be happy.

It’s a sign that they are showing they do not need to stay alert when they are around you, and they feel protected with you. It is a huge compliment from your cat if you think about it!

They are stressed

Maybe your cat is stressed, and they pull up your pillow and sleep on it to communicate about this topic. To tell you that they are suffering from a kind of stress or any kind of anxiety.

They are stressed

If your cat is under stress then officially you are the only source of comfort and protection, cuddling up on your pillow with you can help ease that stress, but only if you have a strong bond with your cat.

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Showing Dominance

To cats, every person or other pet in the home is part of their tribe, and establishing the order of hierarchy is of utmost importance. This is extremely true if you just want to get any other pet into your home.

Your cat is sleeping on your pillow showing the others that they are the top cats, they can do anything including sleeping with you. Like they are the primary caregiver!


Why does your cat sleep on your bed and what it means?

Because it has them feeling relaxed and safer at night, having you, their cat parent, right there next to them.  It’s a little like a small child crawling into bed with their parents in the middle of the night.

Why do cats stretch when they see you?

They may stretch to greet you, to express their love, or to communicate trust. Cats may also stretch when they see you as an invitation for play and interaction, especially if this is how they have been rewarded in the past.

What do cats dream about when sleeping?

Cats may dream about things that have happened that day or in the distant or recent past, similar to the way that dogs dream. Cats might dream about snuggling with you on the sofa, hunting a bird or mouse. 

Does my cat think my bed is his?

Cats are very territorial creatures. As a result of this, they may consider your bed to be part of their territory.


In conclusion, we say that the cats sleep on your pillow to show affection, seek warmth, show dominance, and many more things. But one thing that the cats choose bizarre place to sleep.

Thus, comfort is not the main thing for them. To feel safe and secure is the priority on the list. If your cat starts to share the bed with you, then probably you have the strongest bond with your cat.

If you don’t want to share a bed with your cat, then it is also ok. Finding a balance where you and your cat are both happy and content is the most important thing.

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