Why Your Cat Licks Your Hair

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Ever woken up to your cat licking your hair and often scratching your head, a sign that your cat wants attention from you? Are you still wondering if your cat wants to eat your hair? No, they are just grooming their feline friend.

If we talk about cats, they spend a lot of time grooming themselves, they want to see their coat neat. If we talk about Persian cats these cats are high maintenance cats and love a calm and clean environment. They spend their time grooming themselves and the environment.

Cat’s tongue is made up of the spine, which has a crucial role in grooming themselves. These tongues act like tiny combs, removing dirt, odors, and loose hairs. However, some cats extend their grooming habits toward their pet parents. 

Cat Grooming Basics

Cats love to stay safe and clean, cats groom themselves, you have seen often that as you pet your cat, they start licking their body. Either, it means that your cat cleansing themselves from your dirty hand or has any irritation from you. But the fact is that Cats like to be clean, and even they groom their owners.

Mostly cats groom their owner while they are petting them and after taking treats from the owner.

  • If your cat’s paws are on your head, it just means that they want to see you well groomed, but simply it means kneading.
  • If your cat is licking your hair, it just means they seeking attention and likes you. It means the cat’s licking is an expression of love.
  • The stronger the bond you have with your cat, the more likely it’s going to happen.
  • The mother cat will lick their kittens to groom themselves and often lick their bottoms for defecation, urination, and function normally because newborns don’t control their excretory system.
  • Mostly cats lick other cats and recognize them by their scents.

Reasons Your Cat May Lick Or Chew Your Hair

As a human, we don’t understand the pure body language of our pet or cat. But here are some explanations, for why your cat licking your hair.

They’re showing you affection

Cats are naturally groomer, and friendly with others. You can see your cat grooming (licking and chewing) other pets and dogs. But some cats will also groom their human companions, and this is the most likely reason for your cat licking your hair.

By licking your hair, a cat shows affection and love to you, just like kneading and bringing you a dead insect and a soggy toy.

They want to play

Playtime is essential for your cat’s physical and mental stimulation. If you see your cat catching your hair and want to touch your ponytail they want to play with you, these cats need some attention and playing activities. But if they catch your hair, they must lick your hair to show their love.

Playtime develops many important skills in your kitten and makes them smarter and more well-mannered than many other cats. As they start to climb and follow the string, it’s time to play.

While some cats might play happily on their own with their favorite toys, others will prefer interactive play sessions with other cats or pet parents.

They have hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a disease that can affect the cat’s thyroid gland, this disease affects your cat over the age of 10.

Symptoms: Symptoms of this disease include increased appetite, weight loss, and an unkempt coat, but sometimes they can lick your hair and chew it.

If your cat is licking your hair and showing other health issues, and more lethargic behavior than usual, call your veterinarian for more guidance and treatment.

They’re trying to soothe themselves

If your cat is stressed or depressed, they lick your hair for self-soothing. Some cats feel calmer when they lick your hair.

Some cats also suck blankets as a way to relax. Mostly, cats lick their tail when they are anxious and stressed. As they are carnivorous, they need to chew anything for their relaxation.

They have a compulsive need to chew

Compulsive chewing can become destructive if your cat begins to chew things like houseplants, your clothes, or your hair. It could even have serious health consequences if your cat ends up swallowing something they can’t digest, like hair or a piece of fabric.

If your cat chewing your hair abnormally, then visit your vet for reason change in their mood.

Is It Safe For My Cat To Lick My Hair?

Yes, it is common for your cat to lick your hair, but your hair can damage your hair.

If your cat licks your hair occasionally, it can cause slight damage to your hair, but if your cat excessively licks your hair it can cause hair fall and irritation.

Is It Safe For My Cat To Lick My Hair?

Anything that a cat can lick is ingested by them, if you are using shampoo such as dandruff shampoo stop your cat from licking your hair because it can be dangerous for your cat’s health.

Try to enjoy your cat licking, but if you don’t like this grooming then stop them by giving any treats, toys, etc. Don’t push them away, seriously this can damage your relationship.

Why does my cat lick my hair while I sleep

Your Cat Might Like…or Dislike… You Hair’s Scent. Your shampoo or substance you are using in your hair, cats may like your hair smell or if it becomes out of the blue maybe your cat doesn’t like your hair smell.

If your cat is licking your hair while you are sleeping, it is a sign of affection, Your cat wants to see you as groomed as they are. They are making you neat and clean because they do not want to see you filthy.

It May Be Part of a Pica Disorder

If your cat has any stress, anxiety, and health issues, then your cats eat strange things, and licking their hair or owner’s hair excessively.

Visit your vet for any underlying issues in the cat

How To Stop Your Cat From Licking And Chewing Your Hair

According to Delgado, it can help you:

  • Offer cat grass.
  • Provide your cat with safe things to chew, like teething toys or dental treats.
  • Redirect their attention to things like scratching posts and puzzle toys
  • Set up a heated pad to encourage your cat to sleep at the foot of your bed, if they like to chew on your hair at night.
  • Give them a cozy and favorite environment, that can make them feel free from any stress.


Why does my cat keep licking my hair?

Cats licking your hair, brows, and even beard also is simply an expression of love. Your cats licking your hair as they lick their kittens or pairs is a sign of a feline friend, trust you, etc.

Is it OK for cats to lick human hair?

Licking your hair is a common behavior in cats, as it’s a way for them to groom and show affection. While occasional licking from your cat is unlikely to cause harm to your hair, excessive licking could potentially lead to hair breakage or irritation. Your hair shampoo can be ingested in your cat’s stomach and cause many health issues.

Why do cats lick owners?

Cats often lick their owner’s hair to strengthen their relationship and affection. In other words, we can say that they want to see their owner neat and clean.

Why does my cat lick my hair and purr?

If your cat is licking your hair, it means showing affiliative behavior and strengthening their bonds with their owners. Mother groom their kittens known as allogrooming, as they love them or if licking your hair showing trust.


In simple, cats lick your hair to show affection and trust to their owner, and cats want to see you groom as they are. But if they are licking more than usual, visit your cat vet and take further guidance.

Leave any comments about your cat’s behavior.

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