Why Do Cats Like Bleach?

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Have you ever wondered why your feline friend likes the smell of the bleach? You have often found your cat interested in bleach products. Cats rub themselves against anything that has been cleaned with the bleach.

Don’t worry about it, your cat is not the only one who likes it. But what if it has a few demerits? That affects your cat’s health badly. We will tell you everything about it. In this article, we will also explore why the cats like bleach.

Why Are Cats Attracted to Bleach?

Cats take information from their surroundings through it’s one of the main functions of detecting scents and other chemicals in the surroundings. Cats have a very high sense of smell. It has come to know that the cats like the bleach smell.

The reason the cats like the bleach smell, we first know the composition of the bleach substance. Bleach is a solution based on sodium hypochlorite, which gives a smell like chlorine. It smells like an animal pee.

Why Are Cats Attracted to Bleach?

Now the question is, why do the cats like the chlorine? As we have said, they have an excellent sense of smell, much more complex than humans. And something like bleach might be connected to their pheromones, triggering a biological, hormonal reaction to the scent.

Excitedly sniffing and rolling around in the area where bleach has been used typically demonstrates approval of the smell. When cats press themselves up against the surface that the bleach has been used on and rub themselves on it, they are trying to get closer to it and get a better sniff.

Types of bleach

There are various types of bleach cleaners usually used in our household. Different bleach products contain different values of chlorine, some have very high and some have very low. If the chlorine is in higher amounts, then it is also the most corrosive.

It is worth checking out the concentration of chlorine in the bleach before deciding to use the product in your home. If you are unsure, you can speak to your vet. Some products also contain ammonia, which cats react to as well.

You may also like: https://persiancatinfo.com/persian-cat-health-issues/

Why Don’t Some Cats Like Bleach?

Many cats like the smell of bleach, but others would not like to smell it even for a second. Other cats may also avoid so much to avoid it. It is thought that there are generic components that affect whether a cat reacts or not to bleach.

Some breeds of cats are more likely to be affected by the chemicals and some might not.

Ragdoll cats seem to react to bleach more than other cats. The exact reason behind this is unknown.

Reactions of cats to bleach

There are two types of reactions when the cat consumes the beach. Cats may simply sniff the surface that has come in contact with the bleach, or they may rub themselves against it compulsively.

Reactions of cats to bleach

The cat thinks that another cat is coming and becomes aggressive to defend his territory.

If cats drink bleach, then the symptoms are Uncoordinated gait (ataxia) Difficulty breathing (dyspnea) Low body temperature (hypothermia).

Consequences of bleach for cats

If your cat has drunk bleach, do not waste your time by curing them with your home remedies. Rather than go to the vet immediately because the substance is so toxic, and it can have all the symptoms of poisoning.


What natural smells do cats hate?

Orange and lemon peels (cats dislike citrus smells), cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, lavender oil, lemongrass oil, citronella oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, & mustard oil.

Is bleach harmful to cats?

Bleach can also be incredibly harmful to our much-loved pets if ingested because of the chlorine content. Diluting bleach makes it safer to use, but it should never be left unattended where a curious cat can get a hold of it. Keep your pets away from this.

Why do cats rub themselves in bleach?

When cats rub themselves on objects, they often mark their territory with scent glands located on their face and body. In this case, your cat might be trying to mask the smell of the bleach with her scent,

Or she could be attempting to reclaim the area by adding her scent to it.

Can I clean cat pee with bleach?

Don’t use chlorine bleach when washing fabrics that have been stained by cats’ urine.

The ammonia in cat urine can create dangerous gasses when mixed with bleach. Ammonia in general should be avoided, as it (and other chemical cleansers) may set the stain.


The main reason that the cats like to smell the bleach is the presence of chlorine. There are different types of chlorine concentrations present in the different types of bleach. Some breeds of cats are more likely to be affected by the chemicals and some might not.

If your cat has drunk bleach, do not waste your time by curing them with your home remedies. Rather than go to the vet immediately because the substance is so toxic, and it can have all the symptoms of poisoning.

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