Persian Cat Vs Exotic Shorthair

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When considering buying a cat, people compare different cat breeds, but Persian and Exotic Shorthair are discussed in detail, due to their similar genetic makeup.

Persian and Exotic hair have also too many differences in different aspects, but a Persian cat may better suit their lifestyle and needs and for other people, the Exotic Shorthair will suffice better.

What is the difference between Persian And Exotic Shorthair?

CharacteristicsPersian catExotic Shorthair
Origin Persian nowadays IranIn the early 1960s, when breeders breed American shorthairs with Persian
AppearanceLong luxurious fur, round head, and large expressive eyesIdentical to Persians but no long fur as Persians.
TemperamentCalm and laid-back catSame as the Persian calm and laid-back
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years12 to 15 years
Size and weight10 to 15 inches (0.38 m) and 7 to 12 pounds (5.44 kg)10 to 12 inches (0.3 m) and 8 to 12 pounds (5.44 kg)
Coat Colors and PatternCoat Colors and PatternsWhite, black, cream, chocolate, Lilac, Blue, and red have no specific patterns but pink paws and nose.
Eye ColorDepends upon coat colors, mostly copper, blue, green, and odd eyes.Same as Persian due to Persian parentage.
GroomingHigh maintenanceless than Persians
Health IssuesBreathing Problems, dental disorders and hair coat disordersame as Persians
Good with familyYesYes good with family and other pets
VocalLess vocalLess vocal
Other FeaturesAffectionate, prefer a clean environment, Playful, less active

What Is a Persian Cat?

Persian cats are known for their luxurious fur and affectionate nature. Persian cats originated in the 1600s in the Persian, modern day known as Iran, and were later on imported to Europe and other continents through the Mediterranean Sea.

If we talk about their facial structure they have round heads with short or flat faces, large expressive eyes, stocky legs, and double or triple coats.

What Is a Persian Cat?

Persian cats are found in 61 types of coat colors, of which seven solid color divisions are mostly well-known. White, black, blue, gray, red, chocolate, cinnamon, and lilac, are the most common. These cats need proper grooming such as brushing, bathing, claw clipping, and trimming.

Persian cats like to lounge in a calm environment. These cats are less active and mostly want to sleep, so proper exercise is required for them. Persian cats cost around $1000_$1500, without any expense of grooming or food.

What Is Exotic Shorthair?

Exotic Shorthair is identical to Persians but a short version of a Persian cat. These cats are the result of a crossing between Persian and American shorthairs in the 1960s.

These cats are similar to Persians, with less hair. The Exotic could be described as a manufactured breed due to its roots only going back just over 50 years. The Persian cat’s roots can be traced back as far as 1620.

What Is Exotic Shorthair?

Exotic shorthair also have round heads and faces with large eyes and ears bent forward, tails are short as compared to other body parts present in different colors. Exotic Shorthair is the same as the Persian, laid-back, and relaxed traits of cats.

Persian Vs Exotic Shorthair Lifespan

Lifespan depends on different factors such as genetics, environment, and diet. Persian cat’s average life expectancy is 12 to 15 years. Exotic Shorthair have also the same Lifespan, but they can live longer than that.

Persian Vs Exotic Shorthair Price

If you want to adopt a Persian cat, that is a true breed, it can cost around $1000 _$1200. Persian cats also require grooming sessions and medical checkups. Exotic Shorthair costs around $1200 _$2000 from a reputable breeder.

Persian Vs Exotic Shorthair Temperament

Persian cats are excellent companions, that seek attention from their owners, but they are not a clingy type cat breed. A Persian cat prefers a calm environment and likes to lounge in a peaceful atmosphere.

Persian cats hate noise or loud music, they are less vocal and like silence, but they can easily adapt to family or households. These cats are only vocal when they need something meal or water, and when they want attention.

Exotic Shorthair Temperament

Persian cats are not sociable, they hate gathering and crowds. Mostly these cats sleep, less jumping and climbing, so these cats require proper exercise and playtime.

Exotic Shorthair is also laid back, quiet, gentle, and docile. These cats have a blend of traits of both parents. Exotic Shorthair cats are playful, affectionate, and generally laid-back cats. They can be somewhat lively and grow attached to their owners. Unlike some cat breeds, Exotic Shorthairs enjoy being cuddled and vocalize their affection readily.

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Health Issues

Persian and Exotic shorthair both have the same breathing problems, asthma, and hair coat disorders such as fleas and shedding. Both cats are also prone to Polycystic Kidney Disease and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM.

Do Persian Cats Have Breathing Problems?

Eye staining is common in both cats. If they are not doing proper exercise, they can be prone to obesity.


Persians require thorough brushing sessions to keep their coats detangled and healthy. If your Persian cat is not habitual to brushing, make this before a meal. It can cause the habit of brushing and as a reward meal given to your cat. Bathing can be done after two to three weeks.


Exotic shorthair are also identical to Persian cats, but they are low-maintenance cats. They require less grooming, brush your cat twice a week. These cats have a single plush coat that requires less grooming than a Persian cat.

The Main Benefits of An Exotic Shorthair Over a Persian Cat

The main benefit of an Exotic over a Persian is less maintenance, the Persian cat requires a large amount of maintenance. Short-haired cats don’t require daily brushing as long-haired cats do. You don’t have to deal with the constant knots and tangles that you get with long-haired cats.

As any Persian cat owner will know, it’s a constant battle to keep your Persian fur in pristine condition, and they requires daily and weekly grooming to avoid the dreaded mats and tangles.


What is the difference between a Persian and an Exotic Shorthair?

One of the basic differences between Persian and Exotic Shorthair is their fur, Persians have double or triple luxurious fur, but Exotic Shorthair has less fur and less maintenance than Persians.

Do exotic shorthairs shed more than Persians?

Yes, Exotic Shorthair shed more than Persians but low maintenance cats.

Can you breed an Exotic Shorthair to a Persian?

Exotic Shorthairs are only bred by a Persian parentage because these cats share every single trait with their Persian ancestors.

Which is the only difference between exotics and Persians?

Essentially, an “exotic shorthair” is a Persian cat, without long hair. It is identical, in every way, to a Persian cat, but doesn’t have long silky hair. Instead, it is short-haired.


In the end, we can say that both cats have similar temperaments, similar behaviors, health issues, and lifespans but different appearances due to less hair than Persian and low-maintenance cats. Exotic Shorthairs do have not as flowing long hair as Persians because this cat was the result of a cross between Persian and American Shorthair.

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