Persian Cat vs British Shorthair

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When we talk about cats, we don’t decide which cat is the superstar of the world, but we like all cats due to their friendly behavior and stunning appearance. Have you ever struggled to find a feline friend?

Choosing the best between two breeds of Persian cats vs short-hair is really like a cup of tea and coffee but both cats are unique and charming in their way.

Here in this article, we will discuss, the similarities and differences between both cats.

Key Takeaways:

  1. British Shorthair Breed cats are low-maintenance cats, these cats are known for their robust health and independence. British short hair is a good hunter who likes to play with family, children, and other pets. They are less maintenance to plush coats, and less prone to any hair coat disorders. British Shorthairs are social butterflies they are playful, smart, and intelligent because they train easily.
  2. Persian cats are known for their luxurious coats and calm nature. These cats are high maintenance and need regular grooming such as brushing, bathing, trimming, and claw clipping. These cats are the perfect match for those people who want to devote their lives to this feline friend. These cats are less vocal and irritate loud noise, children weeping, and crowds. If you are a job person, this cat is the perfect match for you, but do not leave them alone for long periods.
  3. Activity level is one of the notable differences between both cat breeds. British shorthair is known for being playful, smart, and easygoing disposition but Persian cats are famous for their calm natures and stable environment. These cats are less playful, less smart, and more suited to indoor cats. Choose according to your lifestyle and preferences.
  4. When it comes to Health Concerns, British Shorthairs are often more prone to obesity due to their laid-back nature and love for food. Whereas Persian cats might face breed-specific issues like Polycystic Kidney Disease, prospective owners should consider potential vet care costs.

Comparison Table Between Both Cats

FeaturesBritish ShorthairPersian Cat
OrignUnited KingdomPersian( Iran)
Lifespan14-20 years17-20 years
Weight6-8 kg3-5 kg
ColorsWhite, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Blue, Silver, CinnamonDocile, quiet, and easygoing
PatternsSolid, bicolor, tricolor, tortoiseshells, tabby, colorpointSolid, bicolor, tricolor, tabby, smoke, shaded, tortoiseshells
TemperamentDocile, quiet, and easygoingOrigin
VocalLess vocalLess vocal
Grooming NeedsModerateHigh
Exercise Requirements
Good with childrenYesYes
Good with petsYesYes
Health IssuesObesity, Dental diseasesRespiratory issues, Eye problems
Average Price$800 – $1200$500 – $700
Coat typeplush and dense coat mostly single coatLuxurious fur with double or triple coat
Good huntersYesNormal
Difference between British Shorthair and Persian Cat

Origins Of Persian And British Shorthair

British Shorthair catPersian Cat
British Shorthair is one of the oldest cat breeds, but it originated in Great Britain.In 1626, many breeders used Persian cats for breeding other cats to make a selective cat trait breed.
However, it was reported that descendants were from domestic and native wild cats during the days of Rome.In the 1970s these cats were formally recognized by the world globe.
In the 1970s these cats were formally recognized by the world globe.In the 1970s these cats was formally recognized by the world globe.

Lifespan Of Persian And British Shorthair Cat Breed

The lifespan of a cat breed depends on several factors such as genetics, age, balanced diet, environment, and exercise or playtime.

  • British Shorthair are both indoor and outdoor cats, they are self-sufficient for their life, and independent cats love to hunt to get food. The life expectancy of British Shorthair is 15 to 20 years. British shorthair are less prone to any genetic health issues. If you want to see your cat healthy, focus on their health and diet mostly British shorthairs love foods and are prone to obesity.
  • Persian cats are high-maintenance cats and are well-suited for indoor environments. The lifespan of a Persian cat is about 12- 15 years. These cats are easily prone to health issues, consult your vet regularly.
  • Both cat breeds provide a long companionship to their owners. But we can say that Persian cats are a little bit more complex than British Shorthair.

Weight Of Persian And British Shorthair

When we talk about weight, both cat breeds show considerable differences. Often the question arises in your mind, how much does British Shorthair weigh? British Shorthair is known for its muscular body and robust bone structure, as well as having less or a single coat on its body.

Fully grown male British Short hair weighs between 12 and 17 pounds (7.71 kg), and mature females weigh between 8 and 14 pounds.

Weight Of Persian And British Shorthair

These cats are medium to large, with a typically “teddy bear” appearance due to their robust bone structure. These cats are smart, good hunters who mostly chase prey, easily trained by owners for different commands.

Are British Shorthair cats heavy?

Yes, British Shorthair is heavier than other cat breeds. Due to their muscular body, British Shorthair are present from medium to large-sized cats. British Shorthair can weigh from 12 to 17 pounds, mostly males are slightly larger than female cats.

Persian cats are medium-sized cats and are smaller than British shorthair. These cats are less muscular but have double or triple fur on their skin coat. Full-grown Persian cats weigh on a scale of 7 to 12 pounds, and their weight can be slightly more based on the individual cat’s diet and lifestyle. Persian cats have an astounding fur volume which often gives them the appearance of a larger, more hulking creature than they are.

Are Persian cats large?

No, Persian cats are medium-sized sized, weighing about 7 to 12 pounds, but they are not as large as other cats breed but they have dense heavy fur that makes them large sized.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Personality

Both the British Shorthair and the Persian cat have unique personalities that make them wonderful pets to have. British Shorthairs are known for their docile nature, calm demeanor, and overall low maintenance.

They are affectionate, but not overly demanding, and are usually happy to quietly sit by your side, making them great companions for those who prefer a more laid-back pet.

Are British Shorthair too talkative? British Shorthair are not very vocal they are known for their docile and quiet nature. They meow when they have any illness and during cuddling, you are touching them hard.

Persian cats, on the other hand, are known for their sweet, gentle, and quiet dispositions. They tend to enjoy a stable, serene environment and can be somewhat reserved, particularly with strangers, making them suitable for quiet homes.

Persian cats

However, once they get comfortable, Persians are very friendly, loyal, and affectionate, offering a deep bond with their owners.

Are Persian cats talkative? Persian cats are less vocal but they are talkative with their owners in a sing-songy meow. But Persian cats are not as active as other cats, they are considered as laziest cats in the world.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Health

There are a few variations between the general health of Persian and British Shorthair cats to take into account. Generally speaking, British Shorthair cats are healthier than their Persian counterparts, in part because they have fewer inherited health issues.

Persian cats frequently suffer from polycystic kidney disease, progressive retinal atrophy, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; British Shorthair cats are more likely to be obese, have dental problems, and have hemophilia B. Nonetheless, both breeds can live long and healthy lives if they receive routine veterinary care and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Persian cats health

Despite this, Persian cats require much more commitment to their health. Their flat noses often lead to breathing difficulties and necessitate more regular grooming to avoid eye issues. Conversely, British Shorthair’s stocky build and predisposition to obesity mean that regular physical exercise and dietary control are essential for healthy living.

For a healthy life for your feline friend, you should:

  • Commit regular vet visit
  • Providing a balanced diet
  • Nutrient-rich diet
  • Regular exercise and playtime
  • Proper Maintenance

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Diet

Diet is a crucial factor for your cat’s requirements. Because Persian and British Shorthair cats have different nutritional requirements, their diets are slightly different. A balanced diet that includes protein, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and water is necessary for both breeds.

However, they have a somewhat significant risk of obesity due to their moderate to low exercise levels, therefore it is important to properly monitor their calorie intake. Their ideal weight can be maintained with the help of portion control, regular feeding schedules, and breed-specific food.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Diet

British shorthair needs an extra diet for their lean muscles and strenuous body. Persian cat needs a diet that helps their luxurious fur to shine decrease hairball formation and promote skin health.

The Persian’s unique jaw shape also may benefit from specially shaped kibbles designed to encourage chewing. A balanced diet contains:

  • Food rich in proteins such as eggs chicken etc
  • Fewer carbohydrates because their sensitive stomach is not easily digested starch.
  • Dry food is best but some wet food is also needed to keep them hydrated.
  • Cat food must be free from additives and artificial fillers.
  • Always consult with your vet before buying cat food because different breeds need different cat food.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Shedding & Grooming

Grooming is one of the important points of difference between both British Shorthair and Persian cats. British Shorthair are low-maintenance cats and need less grooming than Persia cats.

These cats have plush dense coats, that shed only in the shedding season, not as much as Persian cats. This cat breed needs only twice a week because of the single coat. Regular brushing is good for your cat’s coat health because it helps in the distribution of oil and removes dead hair.

Persian Cat vs British Shorthair

On the other hand, Persian cats are high-maintenance cats, these cats are present in a variety of coats, such as single, double, or triple coats, and require regular grooming attention.

Their long luxurious hair requires one or twice brushes a day, and bathing within a two-week or one month. Their eyes need regular cleaning due to their brachyphaellic features and prevent eye staining.

Both these captivating breeds need grooming sessions but British Shorthair needs less grooming than Persian cats. Whether you are choosing British shorthair or Persian cats, you must know their grooming requirements and basic needs. As if you know everything about your new feline friend, more strong your relationship with your cats.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Colors & Patterns

The other difference between both cats is their striking appearance by their varieties of colors and patterns. Both breeds are unique and captivating in their way. The British Shorthair is undoubtedly the British Blue, with its solid grey-blue coat and copper or gold eyes. British shorthair comes in different colors and patterns such as:

  • Black
  • White
  • Red
  • Cream
  • Fawn
  • Colorpoint
  • Tabby
  • Tortoiseshell
  • Bicolor

On the other hand, the Persian cat breed showcases an even more diverse palette. They come in colors like white, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lilac, and silver as well as patterns like tabby, colorpoint, and smoke. Persian cats also feature impressive shaded and chinchilla patterns, adding to the unique look that makes them stand out.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Price

Both cat’s prices depend on different factors such as age, genetics, gender, etc. If you are adopting British Shorthair from reputable breeders you will find it in 700$ to 1000$. As their other expenses come in 75$ to 150$.

This can include vaccinations, spaying, and neutering their food, and regular vet checkups. Adoption is a great choice as it offers these amazing breeds a second chance at a loving home.

On the other hand, Persian cats cost between 1200$ 1500$ and their expenses are also same as British Shorthair. Both are good feline friends that are above you whom you choose for your companionship.

This is a small price for your feline friend that gives you comfort and companionship for a long time. Both cats are popular and highly demanding cats people like both because of their luxurious fur and strenuous bodies.

Their expenses include cats’ food, litter trays, grooming supplies and regular checkups, medical care.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat With Other Pets

As you are planning to bring a new fuzzy friend into a home with existing pets, the breed’s compatibility is an important factor. Here again, both the British Shorthair and the Persian cat have different behavioral traits. British Shorthairs are known to be quite friendly and get along well with other pets. They are known for their patience and tolerant nature, even with younger, more active pets.

Persian cats, however, are typically more on the reserved side. They are quiet and appreciate a calm and tranquil environment, so they may not respond well to overly energetic or boisterous pets. Yet, they can cohabitate peacefully with other quiet and well-mannered animals.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Activity Levels

When discussing activity levels, it is important to understand that your beloved feline’s activity primarily depends on its breed. Are British shorthairs playful? Yes, British Shorthair are playful and curious creatures, they have moderate activity levels.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Activity Levels

These cats are not overly energetic but are good during playtime and exercise. They are also known for their independence and can comfortably amuse themselves when you are not around. British Shorthairs love climbing and need a cat tree or other climbing equipment in their environment like to hunt and to explore their surroundings.

Are Persian Cats Playful? Persian cats, on the other hand, are generally recognized for being laid back and easygoing. They are not very playful and prefer to spend much of the day relaxing and taking it easy.

Their lazy disposition usually means they don’t enjoy climbing or rough play. To keep them healthy, however, little activity and occasional interactive play are necessary.

British Shorthair Breed vs. Persian Cat Intelligence

Are British Shorthair Intelligent? British Shorthairs are renowned for having quick minds and good problem-solving skills. They can swiftly adjust to their surroundings and are quite perceptive and clever beings. They may be able to unlock doors, cabinets, and concealed objects, as you may have noticed.

On the other hand, Persian cats are more renowned for their kind and gentle disposition than for their intelligence. They simply display their intelligence in a different way, which does not imply that they lack intelligence.

Persian cats are shrewd enough to recognize their regal status! They frequently insist that things only be done the way they want, and they may be rather picky.

List of What Persians and British Shorthairs may learn:

  • Come when called
  • Walk on a leash
  • Fetch a ball/toy
  • Use a scratch post
  • Stay off certain furniture
  • High five
  • Stop when you say no
  • Play hide and seek with you
  • Understand their family members’ name

Persian Cat vs British Shorthair Fight

British Shorthair are more active than Persian cats they are more active smart and good hunters than Persians. Most Persian cats are indoors and not good hunters, not know how to chase but it is a fact that every cat is brave in their way.

If there is any fight between Persian and British shorthair of the same age, I think British shorthair will win because of more weight and strenuous body. But Persian cats are also good at emotional tricks and hunting.

Which is best for you?

If you have a hectic life, then a Persian cat is not Perfect for you because they need high grooming sessions as well they seeking attention from their owners.

Do not leave them alone for long periods. They need daily brushing and bathing after 2 to 3 weeks. The British shorthair is best for you with fewer grooming sessions, more active, good hunters, and likes to manage their time in exploring due to their curious nature.

Whether you like Persian and British Shorthair, both are excellent companions and feline friends.


What is the difference between Persian and shorthair cats?

British Shorthair has plush and dense coats with single coats but Persian cats have luxurious fur and fluffy hair. Both are identical but hair is a single difference between them.

Are British Shorthair cats more active than Persian cats?

British Shorthair is more active than Persian cats because Persian cats like quiet and calm environments.

Between Persian and British Shorthair cats, which breed is more sociable?

British Shorthairs are often perceived as more sociable, as they are known to get along well with other pets. Persian cats can be reserved and might prefer the company of their close family members.

Which breed is better for someone with allergies: British Shorthairs or Persian cats?

British Shorthair are less allergenic than Persian cats due to their less dense coat.


In the end, we can say that both cat breeds are good in their way. British shorthair and Persian cats are both famous for their glamorous and plush look.

It depends on you whether you want to devote your life to your pet. British Shorthair has dense plush coats, and Persian cats have double or triple coats with fluffy hair.

Whether you are adopting Persian or British Shorthair and both it’s above your interest. Leave any comments about your British and Shorthair cats.

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