Persian Cat Life Expectancy

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The lifespan of a Persian cat is affected by various factors, if you want to see your feline around you as long as possible, you must know about their life expectancy. If you have adopted a Persian kitty or already have a Persian cat, this question must pop into your mind about how long a Persian cat live, and give you immense pleasure and comfort.

In this article, we will discuss the lifespan of a Persian cat, common health problems, the main cause of death of your Persian cat, and tips to improve the lifespan of your Persian cat.

How long do Persian cats live?

Well-cared and well-groomed Persian cats can live around 12 to 18 years, but some cats extend this age. The average Lifespan of a Persian cat is around 14 years. Persian cats are high maintenance these cats need a proper indoor environment, a healthy diet, playtime, and exercise.

Persian cats are lazier than any other cat breeds, mostly they spend their time sleeping. Persian cats are also known as “Furniture of Fur”.

Factors Influencing the Lifespan of Persian Cats

Genetics: Some cat breeds are genetically supposed to have a longer lifespan, but some have to face genetic health issues. If we talk about Persian cats, due to their selective traits they have got flat faces by which they have breathing and dental issues. Ancient Persian cats (doll face) did not face these issues, as breeders practicing they got flat faces.

Environmental Enrichment: The environment is one of the main factors, that affect your cat’s health. A healthy and clean environment gives your cat a long life. Outdoor cats are easily prone to any disease due to carrying germs from the environment, but indoor cats lead a healthy life and have a long life expectancy.

Nutrition and Weight Management: Cats are obligate to carnivores, and meat is essential for their growth and development. Protein-rich foods such as chicken, eggs, and fish, and low in carbohydrates are good for your cat’s diet. Feed your cat both wet and dry food, but give them a balanced diet to prevent obesity. Monitor your cat’s weight occasionally, to see any minor change of weight in their body.

Exercise And Mental Stimulation: Persian cats are known for their laid-back nature, they like to lounge in a calm environment. These cats need proper playtime, give them enough time for these activities. Provide them with interactive toys, climbing trees, and exercise requirements so that they can lead to a happy life.

Grooming And Health Care: Persian cats are high-maintenance, they are groomed daily. Brushing, bathing, trimming, and claw clipping are grooming requirements of Persian cats. If they leave without any care, they can be prone to many hair coat disorders that can lead to tangling, knotting, and fleas.

Water Intake: Keep your Persian cat hydrated, this can be helpful for the brightness of their fur and prevent them from dehydration. The average Persian cat requires 1 ounce/28ml of water per pound of body weight. Cats are different in taking water amounts.

Eye care: Persian cats due to their flat faces suffer from watering eyes, which can cause eye staining. Clean your cat’s eyes daily to prevent eye staining and sticky material.

Spaying/Neutering: Spaying and neutering your cat is quite a subjective topic that often produces mixed opinions. One thing is certain: Cats spayed or neutered tend to live longer and are safe from testicular or ovarian cancer prevalent in cats that haven’t been spayed/neutered.

How long do Persian cats live indoors?

Indoor Persian cats can live about 12 to 18 years, but some can reach this average lifespan. Indoor cats are clean, and groomed daily, and less interaction with germs, and regular checkups result in long life expectancy.

Persian cats are happy indoors or outdoors, but keep an eye on them to prevent them from any accidents or any rush area where they can hurt.

How Long Do Outdoor Persian Cats Live?

Persian cats do not tend to be outdoor cats due to their long luxurious hair, by staying outside they can be prone to various health issues, such as dullness of their hair, being attached by germs and fleas, and being hit by any car. Outdoor cats have less lifespan than indoor cats and typically live around 12 to 15 years.


Persian cats have a life expectancy of 12 to 18 years but can easily be prone to breathing problems, dental issues, Polycystic Kidney Disease, etc. Persian cats need proper exercise, playtime, and a balanced diet for a healthy lifestyle. Medical checkups and monitor your cat’s weight to enhance your cat’s longevity.

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