How To Treat Cats Ringworm?

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Ringworm is an infection in cats’ skin, paws, and hair that is caused by a fungus known as dermatophyte.

This infection easily spreads in cats and also often infects people. In 98% of cats, ringworm is caused by a fungus named Microsporum canis. If you are worried about your cat and still thinking about how to treat cats ringworm then this article is only written for you.

This is a fungal infection that is quickly infected and also treated easily. Most healthy cats resolve this issue on their own.

What is a Cat Ringworm?

Ringworm is the most widely spread cat skin infection that is caused by fungus. About 99 % of cats become prey to this infection and is easily resolved.

These ringworms are present everywhere in the environment in soil, and on the floor. The one main thing is that you cannot hide your cat from fungal infection.

What is a Cat Ringworm?

Cat ringworms are present on the skin as itchy rash in circular areas. These circular rings are present on the infected animal but sometimes they are not in circle but in different shapes.

The name ringworm is misleading because it is thought that infection may be caused by worms but it is not.

It is found in soil and thrives particularly in warm, humid environments. Ringworm agents aren’t restricted to the soil, though; the fungal spores are tiny enough that they can easily hitch a ride on blankets, clothing, and fur and be transported indoors, where they can flourish as well.

How Ringworm Gets Transferred to Cats?

Fungal infection is easily spread infection ad also treated easily but with a late process. These are the causes by which ringworm transfer from one species to another.

  • Sleeping next to or licking and grooming an infected pet
  • Being brushed with the same equipment used to groom an infected pet
  • Using the same bedding as an infected pet
  • Using the same furniture an infected pet has sat on, like in a shelter or boarding facility

Cats with low immune systems are prey of ringworm

If your cat comes into contact with ringworm-causing fungi, they won’t necessarily get ringworm. Kittens and cats with compromised immune systems are more likely to develop ringworm than adult cats or those with robust immune systems. 

Cats with low immune systems are prey of ringworm

Also, long-haired cats tend to be sneaky carriers of ringworm. This is because when they get infected, it’s not as noticeable compared to short-haired cats. They tend to shed more, too.

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How do you know if your cat has ringworm? 

Many researchers work on the cat’s ringworm here are the symptoms that your cat shows when he/she has ringworm.

  • Areas of hair loss or broken hair
  • Redness
  • Scaling
  • Crusts 

As the name implies, a ringworm rash frequently resembles a ring. Typically, ringworm affects a cat’s feet, face, tail, and tips of its ears. Small, firm pimples or huge bumps with open wounds can both be signs of infection.

How is ringworm diagnosed in cats?

If your cat has ringworm use gloves to handle them and put them in the towel. There are different methods of diagnosing ringworm in cats in which is a PCR test. The PCR test helps identify the specific fungus that caused the ringworm infection.

 The second way for treating ringworms is Wood lamps to tell which hairs and areas are affected by ringworm. This handheld lamp uses ultraviolet light to examine your cat’s fur and skin. Affected hairs will glow under the light, and your vet might take a swab sample from those areas.

Ringworm treatment for cats

The most common treatment of cat ringworm is a combination of topical therapy and oral therapy. Topical therapy is treatment with creams, ointment, and shampoo. The oral therapy is medication of anti-fungal by mouth. For treatment, to be successful contamination of the environment also be eliminated.

Make sure that your cat’s treatment is fulfilled with the proper schedule recommended by the vet. Do not stop cats’ treatment because fungus reoccurs if it should left uncured.

How to Treat Ringworm in Cats Without Going to the Vet?

Your cat can be treated your cat by ringworm by some remedies.

  • Warm water and soap
  • Coconut oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Aloe vera

How Much Does it Cost to Treat Ringworm in Cats?

If you are worried about your cat’s ringworm and worried about how much they cost to treat. Your cat can be treated well under $100 and some cost for the cleanliness of your house.

How Long to Quarantine a Cat with Ringworm?

Cat should be quarantined strictly to a room because fungal spores live about 8 to 9 months because they cannot left easily. Your cat must be isolated for 3 to 6 weeks after treatment.

Make sure that your cat is not allowed to go any other place than her room which also often infects humans.

What do Healing Ringworm Look Like in Cats?

These signs are shown by your Persian cat when he/she is curing ringworms:

  • The areas of hair loss will get larger before they begin to get smaller.
  • Within one to two weeks, the hair loss should stop.
  •  There should be no new areas of hair loss and the crusty appearance of the skin should subside. 

If any of these do not occur within two weeks, your cat should be rechecked.


Persian cats have long luxurious hair so if they become prey to ringworms they cannot easily be cured you should clip their hair and use different methodologies such as topical and oral therapy.

If you have any queries about your cat please leave a comment we will be glad to give you the answer!

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