How To Know If Your Cat Is Sick?

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Cats are creatures that easily manage their pain and illness. In the early stage of their illness, they don’t show any type of clue except for quiet and withdrawal. If you are a pet parent and worried how to know if your cat is sick?

Unfortunately, cats’ parent realizes their illness after a long time because they show pain only in a severe position. In this article, we will discuss signs and symptoms that show your cat’s illness.

What things should I look for?

Cats that are ill show great change in overall appearance like energy level, coat appearance, sociability, amount of shedding, appetite, litterbox usage, breathing, or discharges from the eyes or nose. 

Any sudden change can alert you that your cat is ill. Visit your vet and diagnose what,s the problem with your cat.

Symptoms of a Sick Cat

Here are some signs that a cat shows when he/she is in pain and ill.

Constricted or dilated pupilsNeglecting grooming or over-grooming
Vomiting or diarrheaImproper use of litter box
Sudden mood change Limping or injuries 
No inclination to play or appear lethargicWounds or swelling
Much less or much more vocal than usual Bad breath
Sudden changes in appetite, drinking, or eating habits Discharge from eyes or nose 
Noticeable weight loss or gainHair loss or skin irritation
Rapid breathing or shortness of breathHiding
Different cat’s symptoms of cat illness

Some Common Causes of Illness in Cats

  • Problem with litter box: The sudden appearance of a problem with a litter box indicates urinary tract infection and kidney stones.
  • Increased appetite: A sudden increased appetite could be an indication of diabetes, hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, or even intestinal cancer.
  • Upper respiratory infections: can cause breathing problems and reduce your cat’s enthusiasm for activities and play.
  • Bad breath: in cats is a strong sign that your cat may be suffering from periodontal disease or experiencing tooth pain. If left untreated, dental disease in cats can lead to more serious issues such as heart, liver, and kidney conditions.  
  • Injuries and arthritis: Any type of injury on a cat’s body can cause slow activities and less playtime.

What To Do if Your Cat is Sick?

It’s worthwhile to take your cat to the veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment if it exhibits any strange behaviors. Illnesses can be kept from getting worse or possibly becoming life-threatening with early diagnosis and treatment.

What To Do if Your Cat is Sick?

Cat diseases or injuries frequently necessitate emergency care, surgery, or even immediate medical attention. Getting expert veterinarian assistance as soon as possible is crucial. Your pet will start acting more like themselves again the sooner treatment starts.

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How to Treat a Sick Cat Without Going to the Vet?

If your cat has been sick once or twice but otherwise appears well:

  • Remove food for two hours, but continue to provide water
  • After this time, try offering a teaspoon of their usual food or bland low-fat cooked food such as chicken or white fish
  • If they keep this down, offer small amounts every few hours for the
    next 24 hours
  • Then go back to your usual routine

How to comfort a sick cat?

There are many ways to comfort your cat. First, warm up your cat, give them a balanced diet, and prevent them from dehydration. Keep your cat active with different interactive toys, and a cozy environment. Avoid them from other animals.

How to comfort a sick cat?

Get to know your cat’s routine maintain their weight and keep their surroundings clean. If you see any lethargic behavior in your cat then visit your vet. Properly medicate them to remove infection or virus from the body.

What to Give a Sick Cat with a Cold?

If your cat has caught a cold and you are worried about how you can treat your cat at home.

Turn on a humidifier or vaporizer to raise the humidity level in your home. You can gently clean your cat’s nose with a warm, damp towel if they have a congested nose. Use gauze pads to clean and comfort your cat’s wet eyes. Use a saline solution.

What to Give a Sick Cat that Won’t Eat?

When you warm up canned food, low-sodium chicken broth, or tuna, it smells ten times nicer and is far more likely to tempt your cat to eat dry food. For cats that might be stuffy due to upper respiratory illnesses, this is very beneficial.

Sometimes cats don’t eat due to digestive issues so they break in their routine.

What to Feed a Sick Cat with Diarrhea?

When an adult cat has simple diarrhea, it’s usually best to give them small amounts of water often and to delay feedings for a period of 12 to 24 hours. Then, modest portions of a bland diet, such as rice and boiled (fat-free) chicken, are provided.

Don’t use milk for cats sick with diarrhea.

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