How To Keep Persian Cat Cool In Summer

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If you are the new owner of a Persian Cat then you know that Persian cats are known for their luxurious long fur As summer approaches, cats are more stressed due to the heat.

Don’t worry in this article I will tell you how to keep Persian cats cool in Summer. It not only bothers them but there is a risk of heatstroke. Here are some steps that keep your cat cool.

In this article, we will discuss effective methods to cool down your Persian cat during hot weather.

Do Persian Cats like Hot Weather or Summer?

The short answer is no because Persian cats originated from cool areas, and they are lovely pets and spread all over the world in both warm and cold areas.

Do Persian Cats like Hot Weather or Summer?

But with excess heat, they caught heatstroke and dehydration. They enjoy winter and pleasant weather.

Indoor or outdoor cats

Indoor cats are mostly good in health and prevent themselves from any dehydration or heatstroke. But in contrast to outdoor cats these cats have a high chance of heat stroke and some other diseases.

Preventive measures must be taken for these cats

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Keep your cat hydrated

One of the most important ways to keep your cat cool and prevent hot weather is hydration. Some cats don’t like much water to drink but plenty of water is important for cats’ coolness and for their luxurious skin.

cat hydrated

Here are some encouragement tips:

  • Use different designs of water bowls that have some type of fun in them. Water bowls such as with fish design and other pets pictures. Maybe they like water bowls and have access to fresh water.
  • Make their water bowl away from the food tray and litter area. Some cats don’t like water around these things.
  • Provide a running water source – some cats prefer to drink from running water. Try offering them a drink from your tap, or consider investing in a water fountain for your cat.
  • Provide plenty of water bowls indoors and outdoors – this will give your cat constant, easy access to fresh water
  • Some cats like rainwater so collect rainwater and drop it in the water bowl whether your cat drinks it or not.
  • Mostly cats drink water at night. Don’t be lazy and fill all the water bowls with fresh water.
  • Make sure the water bowl is cleaned, cats prefer a clean environment.

Play with ice cubes

Ice cubes are the funniest things for cats and are playful with them. Take an ice cube and spread it on the cat’s playground and hard floor watch how the cat is curious about ice cubes and bat them all over the floor.

By playing with these ice cubes and batting them with their paws, cats’ paws are the organs from where heat and cooling are absorbed in their body. In this way, cats keep cool.

Provide shade or shelter

Cats seek shade during hot weather. Indoor cats are mostly provided by shelter but outdoor cats or cats that live in your garden are needed for shelter.

So it’s a good idea to provide plenty of shaded spots in your garden.. Trees, shrubs, or sun sails are the best way to create shade.

You could also try placing your cat’s favorite bed in a shaded area to encourage them to keep cool. But keep in mind that cats may avoid their warm, cozy beds altogether in the summer.

For indoor cats, if they are feeling hot then must cover all your windows and make sure that your cat is in a cold place.

Less Time For Play Session

Cats are lazy and slumber in the summer it is essential for playtime but play with your cat in the lowest temperature in the morning and evening at that time most cats are active.

Make sure your cat plays less time because difficult playtime can cause hard breathing and dehydration.10-15 minutes of playtime is best for cats in summer.

It’s best to play with your cat in an air-conditioned room or a cool area of the house, like a basement.

Cooling Mats and Ice Packs

Ice mats and packs are available in the market that are used to keep your cat cool indoors or outdoor cats.

Cooling Mats and Ice Packs

But if you are worried about expenses leave it, you can get the same effect after packing ice cubes in mats and beds.

Make use of wet towels

Most cats hate getting wet, so they’re unlikely to want to take a dip in water. But dampening a small towel with cool water and dabbing it over your cat’s fur can bring some relief from the hot weather. You could also try stroking your cat with wet hands.

Be cautious of open windows:

It is possible to keep your cat safe by installing tip and tilt windows in the room which allow air to enter the room while not giving your cat access to the outside world.

Many curious cats fall out of open windows when seeking a cool breeze indoors, causing serious injuries when falling from a height.

Use pet-safe sun cream

Cats with light-colored fur are vulnerable to sunburn, particularly on the tips of their ears, their nose, and areas where their hair may be sparse. Sun damage can lead to skin cancer so prevention is better than cure.

The best prevention is to keep your cat indoors when the sun is at its strongest, between 11.00 am and 3.00 pm. You can also use a pet-safe sun cream to cover vulnerable areas such as their ears and nose.

How to keep cats cool in summer without AC

Summer can be a challenging time for our feline friends, especially when the temperatures soar. Unlike humans, cats can’t simply turn on the air conditioner when they feel too hot.

So, how can we ensure our beloved furballs stay cool and comfortable during the scorching heat?

  • Creating a Cool Environment
  • Provide Shade and Shelter Options
  • Use Cooling Mats and Beds
  • Hydration is Key
  • Avoiding Matting of Fur
  • Utilizing Fans and Air Circulation
  • Foods that Can Help Regulate Body Temperature

What to feed cats in Hot Weather

Ensure your cat always has access to shade and fresh drinking water to help keep them cool. Put ice cubes into your cat’s water bowl or make some tasty ice cube treats.

Help your cat stay cool in hot weather with safe summer treats. Try snacks such as frozen wet food, watermelon, yogurt cat treats, and much more.

Ideal Temperature for Persian Cats

As human cats are active in moderate temperatures their modern temperature is:

100 to 102.5F.

A cat’s normal body temperature is between 37.7 and 39.2C or 100 to 102.5F. When a feline’s core temperature drops below the standard value, he or she is believed to have low body temperature.

Persian Cat Temperature Celsius

The baseline vitals, or what’s considered “normal” for cats, are as follows: Body temperature: Between 99 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 – 39.2 degrees Celcius)

What Temperature is Too Hot for Persian Cats

 To be safe, leave your thermostat set, so it doesn’t get any warmer than 78 to 80°F when you’re not home. It’s also okay to let the AC run cooler than that if you want to treat your pet.


How hot is too hot for Persian cats?

Because of their high body temperature, cats can theoretically be okay in hot weather, around 100°F outside. Their tolerance can vary widely depending on humidity, your cat’s health, age, and even the type of fur. It’s best to err on the safe side and avoid the hottest parts of the day altogether.

Can Persian cats stay in AC?

One of the best ways to ensure your Persian’s safety and comfort is to keep him inside during the summer. By doing so, you can regulate the temperatures that he’s exposed to and keep a close eye on him. Turn on your fans or, even better, turn on your air conditioning on hot days.

Can Persian cats tolerate heat better than other breeds?

Certainly! Persian cats, with their long and luxurious fur, are generally less tolerant of heat compared to some other cat breeds.

Is shaving a Persian cat’s fur a good idea in summer?

The long, luxurious coat of a Persian cat serves as insulation, protecting them from both heat and cold. Shaving their fur may expose their skin to the sun, potentially leading to sunburn and other skin issues.


Cats are sensitive to nature so keep them away from heat and make special requirements such as wet towels, ice packs, hydration, etc.

If you have any problem with your cat or have any guidelines please leave a comment!

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