How to Deal With Persian Cat Hair

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Persian cats are renowned for their long and luxurious hair coat. Most other cats do have not that type of hair as Persian cats, so these cats need extra grooming requirements for a happy and healthy look.

In addition to the usual pet grooming practices, such as cutting nails and cleaning ears, you’ll have to go a few steps further to make your Persian happy and healthy.

Some tips or products can fulfill their grooming requirements and suitable tools that make them healthy and desirable. In this article, we will discuss how to deal with Persian cat hair.

Why is Hair Care for Persian Cats important?

There are different reasons because that can affect their health, skin, and their looks.

Accidental ingestion of their hair

Cats are animals that naturally tend to lick them and want to see them clean. So, most of the time they lick their haircoat and prevent them from matting. But sometimes cats lick their body when there is itching, wounds, and parasites.

And in this case, they swallow their dead hairs which can cause serious intestinal problems and cause stomach illness. So, regularly brush and take care of your cat’s hair.

Parasitic attacks (fleas and worms)

If your cat is roaming in a dirty environment, then they are easily prone to parasitic attacks and cause serious issues. This causes itching, and the cat bites her body for relief.

These fleas are not seen by the naked eye, so pay attention to your cat and take steps for the removal of cat fleas.

More Hairfall

Persian cats have large volumes of hair that want to prevent matting and dullness. Cats shed their hair and new are grown but if they are falling more than a routine. Consult your vet for any suitable shampoo.

What are the Steps of Persian Cat Hair Care?

If you want to see your cat still luxurious then you must know what are the steps of hair care. The most attractive thing in a Persian cat is its hair. So must perform this task.

Persian Cat Grooming


The most important thing in hair care is brushing which maintains their brightness and thickness without matting.

  • You should use high-quality combs that can easily go through the hair
  • Gently brush your cat hair as you can do with yourself because if you do this hardly a lot of hair comes in comb.
  • Brush deep cat hair because there is an entanglement inner side of the hair coat.


Bathing is difficult for Persian and this is the most uncomfortable experience for cats and their owners. But bathing is significant for their hair health.

Establish a routine and bathe your kitty once or twice a month to degrease their fur and eliminate dander

Persians have sensitive eyes prone to tearing and improper tear drainage. Use damp cotton balls and gently tap until you’ve removed the discharge. 

Cut Away Grease With Powder

Persian cats have a double or triple coat by which they excrete oil from their body, that makes their body greasy. Treating greasy fur regularly is a critical part of catering to your Persian cat; dust your feline with powder from time to time to facilitate your grooming session and soften your cat’s fur.

Clear Space For Litter Box Use With Scissors

Trimming their backside area and ensuring a high quality of sanitation are crucial parts of increasing your Persian cat’s quality of life, so cut long fur away from the derrière to avoid messes and ease your cat’s litter box usage.

Proper Diet

The second most important thing in cats’ hair health is proper diet. Cats are obligate to carnivores, and fleshy meat. These types of food that are rich in proteins are good for cat’s hair health.

Too oily and fried are not good for a cat’s health. Fried fish are the best option for cats for hair health.

How to Untangle a Persian Cat

Persian Cat

If your cat has matted hair then brush regularly and comb it with a hand and mat breaker. Mat breakers are smaller than typical grooming brushes and can sometimes detangle mats that are not too tight. However, you do not want to cause your cat any pain or the stress of a prolonged brushing session. 

Regular care and grooming are essential requirements for your cat.

Is Persian Cat hair dangerous?

The short answer to this is no because cats’ hair is harmful to only those who have allergies.

Cats’ hair is only dangerous at the time when she is prone to any disease such as rabies. When they lick their coat the saliva carrying the infection spreads to fur causing illness in humans.

Does Persian Cat Shed Hair?

Persian cats are cats that can shed their hair most whole around the year. Their heavy and fluffy skin has different densities of shedding around the year.

These cats change their whole coat twice a year, in that time period you must check their grooming requirements and proper diet for good hair health.

When do Persian Cats Shed the Most?

Spring: around April/May, cats shed their heavy winter coat, including their undercoat. An undercoat is a fine layer of soft hair that provides additional insulation.

Autumn: around October/November, cats shed to replace their summer coat with a fluffier winter coat.

How can I increase my Persian Cat’s fur?

Persian cats have long luxurious hair, but they damage with time. As an owner, you should focus on making your Persian cat fur fluffy. Here are some tips for the cat’s hair growth.

  • Regularly brush your cat’s fur
  • Comb hair to distribute natural oil
  • Remove all the dead hair

Home Treatment for Cat Hair Loss

For an easy home treatment for cat hair loss, first cut a lemon into quarters and place the pieces in a pot of boiling water. Let this steep overnight.

The next morning, put this mix into a spray bottle and then apply it to the entirety of your cat’s head, legs, torso, and tail.


How do you clean Persian cat hair?

If your cat’s hair becomes greasy, you must bathe them, otherwise brush it regularly from head to tail. Use slicker and deshedder to remove waste hair and then use wide-toothed for smooth finishing.

How often should Persian cats be bathed?

Most Persian cats don’t like water, but due to their luxurious fur, they need to be bathed. Bath your Persian cat every 4 to 6 weeks, if you make it longer, cat hair becomes oily and greasy. Bathing helps to prevent knotting and enhances the luxuriousness of your cat.

How can I make my cat fur silky?

Bathing, brushing, trimming your cat’s hair, investing in proper shampoo, nutritious diet, avoiding too much bathing, proper exercise and playtime, hydrated your cat, these tips can make your cat’s fur fluffy.

Should we cut a Persian cat’s hair?

Persian cats with long hair can create a lot of problems, especially in hard-to-reach places (under the tail, for example). To prevent tangles from appearing there, you should cut this place: this way it will be easier for the cat to go to the toilet, not stain its hair, and also clean it during its hygiene procedures.


There is a responsibility that comes with owning a Persian cat, and that is maintaining the Persian cat’s hair healthily. Persian cats have luxurious hair and need proper grooming and care. The main tips to deal with your cat’s hair are brushing regularly, bathing occasionally for about 4 to 6 weeks, massaging the coat, investing in good shampoo, feeding them nutritious food, hydrating them, and doing some exercise and playtime with your cat that helps them in their physical and mental stimulation.

Therefore follow the Points mentioned in this article to take care of Persian cat hair with love and attention.Leave any comment about your Persian cat hair care and grooming.

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