Do Persian Cats Sneeze a Lot?

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Persian cats are popular due to their medium-sized and long luxurious look and these cats originated in Persia(Iran). After exporting to North America and Italy, breeders cross them with different breeds of cats and because of this, they have serious health issues. Here is the question do Persian cats sneeze a lot?

The short answer to this question is yes, due to their brachycephalic feature, They have short noses with flat faces which they have many breathing problems, and want extra care. Persian cats sneeze more than other cat breeds, this is not normal you should visit your vet.

Let’s dive deep into the article and discuss the reason for my Persian cat sneezing and how to cure the sneezing of Persian cats.

What are the causes of Persian cat sneezing?

Persian cats are more likely to have breathing problems such as sneezing and running noses due to their facial structure and flat faces. These cats are famous for their flat features in veterinary circles. They are prone to different breathing problems due to these features.

Persian cats have significantly shortened nasal passages, elongated soft palates, and a bunch type small noses similar to Pekingese dogs. Of these features, they are easily prone to Upper Respiratory Infection(URI).

The symptoms of upper respiratory infection are repeated sneezing and runny nose, sometimes it is also prone to another health issue. This type of infection is not chronic, and you can easily protect your Persian cat from this illness.

Preventive Measures to Treat Cat(URI)

Here are some preventive measures by which you can save your cat from upper respiratory infection:

  • Keep your cat indoors to lower the risk of exposure to the infected animals.
  • The basic step is to isolate your cat so that other animals living in the same environment are not prone to this infection.
  • Visit your vet regularly and make sure that your cat is properly vaccinated. Vaccination may lower the infection but not remove it from the body.
  • If your cat’s immune system is strong they can easily cure this infection.
  • Wash your hands properly if you are holding multiple cats it can transfer this infection to other cats.

Is it Bad if Your Kitten Sneezes a Lot?

If you own a Persian cat, You can see your cat sneezing, but this is not a serious issue these commonly happen in Persian cats. But if your cat is tired of sneezing and showing different symptoms such as a runny nose and bright eyes, then this problem is serious. You must, should visit your vet.

But these are common issues in Persians if your cat is prone to sneezing once, these cats should occasionally be prone to this infection, so relax about your cat.

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Owning a Cat with a Flat Nose

Here are the important steps by which you can make your flat-nosed cat breed healthy and happy. These steps are significant for every Persian cat.

Owning a Cat with a Flat Nose

  1. Pay attention to your cat’s dental hygiene: This may seem odd, but due to the flattened face, Persian cats are more likely to suffer from dental and jaw issues, so keep an eye on their mouths to catch any issues like this early.
  2. Clean the cat’s face regularly: Flat faces often lead to runny discharge from a cat’s face and eyes. If left unattended, this discharge can cause rashes on the cat’s face, so ensure you clean them regularly.
  3. Keep to a daily grooming schedule: Long-haired breeds like the Persian require consistent, daily grooming to avoid knots and bunches with their hair. A cat’s coat is essential to them, so make sure you can keep this appropriately maintained.

Do Persian Cats Have Trouble Breathing?

Yes, Persian cats have breathing problems as we talked about Persian cat breathing problems. These problems vary from one cat breed to another. These cats are not prone to breathing problems genetically.

It is not a genetic problem unique to cats, and it is a trait they share with Shi-Tzu, Pekingese, Bulldog, and Pug breeds in the canine world. This can often lead to a lot of trouble breathing.

Signs if your cat has a breathing problem

Raspy or wheezy breath. Excessive panting during exercise. Stuttered or ragged breathing. Excessive discharge from nasal or tracheal passageways.

Any of these signs is shown when your cat has any type of breathing problem.

My Indoor Cat Keeps Sneezing

If your indoor cat keeps sneezing, runny nose and has lethargic behavior with watery eyes, then this is time to visit your vet. Because now the cat has serious breathing problems, it can be caused by external irritation, cold, or foreign material such as pollen grains and some other objects.

Visit your vet, give them suitable warm things, keep them away from other animals, and make sure that their immune system is strong. Healthy Persian cats cure easily by themselves, but cats with weak immune systems can easily be prone to any health issue.

Cat Sneezing a Lot in a Row

If your cat has been sneezing a lot for several days or if she shows other signs of being sick, you should take her to the veterinarian to be examined. She may have developed a respiratory infection, which is quite common in cats. A round of antibiotics should help her get back to her usual self.


Persian cats are easily prone to breathing problems, sneezing, and runny nose. Most cats can cure this problem by themselves, but it becomes severe when your cat is lethargic and has watery eyes.

Leave any comments about your cat’s health or any breathing problems.

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