Do Persian Cats Shed Excessively?

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Persian cats are known for their long, natural, and beautiful fur. These characteristics make them extremely beautiful. They also remain a favorite among the American public. But does Persian cats shed?

Unfortunately, The answer is yes. Their long and luxurious fur sheds heavily, and it can be challenging for their parent. Especially it can also be prone to some allergies, and it can also lead to hypoallergies in the kitten.

It is important to note that all the cats shed. But the Persian cats shed more than any of the other short-haired cat breeds. But it is completely normal. It is also due to the that the Persian cats shed a lot in the common times of the year due to the changes in the weather.

Cats often shed during spring as their winter coat becomes too heavy for the warmer weather. There are more reasons why they shed a lot. Let’s take a look at them.

How much do Persian cats shed?

Persian cats shed more than any of the other cat breeds. They lose fur all year round, but the shedding intensity depends on the season. Cats typically shed most of their hair twice a year, usually in spring and fall. Persian cats shed an average of around 1,000 hairs per day, which can quickly add up to a lot of fur.

Regular grooming and maintenance are essential to help manage their shedding, as neglect can lead to mats and tangles in their fur, making the situation even more challenging.

Reasons behind excessive shedding in Persian cats:

If your Persian cats shed a lot, it may be due to various reasons. Let’s take a deep dive into those reasons.

  • Stress
  • Allergies
  • Getting older
  • Low-quality food
  • Inadequate grooming

Your cat is experiencing stress

Stress causes hair loss in Persian cats.

In the case of psychological issues, the hair usually falls out in patches due to overgrooming (excessive licking). Other signs of anxiety include:

  • Hiding
  • Weakness
  • Litter box problems

The best way to cope with the stress in Persian cats is to provide them with a comfortable environment. Be playful with them all the time. Give them all your attention, and favorite toys.


The other issue that causes the shedding is allergies. Persian cats have the most sensitive tummies and can be prone to food allergies in Persian cats. Specific foods that can cause hair loss include:


  • Dairy products (such as milk and cheese)
  • Eggs
  • Grains

Food is not the only allergy trigger. Many drugs and environmental factors can also provoke allergies in your Persian cats. Allergies for Persian cats often cause skin irritation, which can lead to excessive shedding. Some skin issues include bald spots, itchiness, and rashes.

Make sure that regular grooming and essential cleaning can be done to reduce the allergies in your Persian cats.

Your cat is getting older

Age is another significant factor upon which the shedding of the cat depends. Not only that, your Persian cat can find difficulty moving around when they are getting older, and they also can’t groom themselves the way they used to do them.

When Persian cats rub their body against a rough surface, They are grooming themselves, as they used to do to brush their hair. So that the older Persian cats might not be able to groom themselves as they did when they were younger.

This thing affects o much on your feline friend who is getting older day by day and their inability to groom themselves results in matted fur. This leads to a larger portion of their hair shedding when it does shed, therefore leaving a bigger mess for you to clean up.

Brushing your cat every day will help them shed the fur that they would have usually shed on their own. Not only will this make your cat happier, but it will also help to keep their coat shiny and clean.

Low-quality food

Maybe the low-quality food that you are feeding your cat is not suitable for them, and it causes shedding. Like the humans, the cats also need nutrients for their health.

Persians are sensitive and need the best quality nutrients to thrive and maintain coat health. An improper diet will contribute to hair loss and make the remaining fur thin and rough.

It is best to choose a food that promotes healthy skin and coat. So please choose the higher quality food for your furry friends.

Inadequate grooming

When Persian cats are not groomed regularly or thoroughly, their shedding can intensify. Their long, dense fur is prone to matting and tangling, which traps loose hair.

Inadequate grooming

Without proper grooming, these mats and tangles can become more extensive, causing increased shedding as the trapped fur is eventually shed along with the healthy coat.

A steady grooming routine for Persian cats consists of:

  • Bathing
  • Claw clipping
  • Teeth brushing
  • Eye and ear cleaning

How Can I Control My Persian Cat’s Shedding?

To keep your Persian cat from shedding too much then follow these:

Brush Your Cat’s Coat Regularly

Brushing your Persian cat’s coat regularly can help reduce shedding. Regular can mean either once a week or even daily for long-haired cats.

Pay extra attention to areas prone to tangles, such as behind the ears and under the armpits. If mats do form, gently work them out with your fingers or a specialized mat breaker tool to avoid causing discomfort to your cat.

Keep Your Cat Hydrated

If your Persian kitty gets dehydrated, their skin could dry out and start to peel. Dry skin often leads to dull and matted fur, which eventually results in hair loss. 

Keep Your Cat Hydrated

Cats can become dehydrated quickly since they don’t like to drink water. They should get their moisture from food as they do in the wild. So you should make sure that your cat drinks an adequate amount of he water in a day.

Feed a Proper Diet

Ensure that the cat food you choose is rich in essential fatty acids and high-quality proteins, as these are vital for maintaining coat health.

Additionally, providing access to clean, fresh water at all times is crucial for overall hydration and coat condition. You can also consult a veterinarian to see if your Persian diet is good enough to maintain its health and reduce hair loss.

Bathe Your Cat Once a Month

While bathing won’t help reduce shedding, it will help get rid of dead and loose hair. Although your kitty won’t be too happy about it, bathing it with an appropriate shampoo will get them cleaner than they can clean themselves. 


Some cats simply shed more than others. Persian cats are one breed that sheds the most out of all breeds of cats. This is due to the length of their hair. A cat with longer hair will inevitably shed more than a cat with short hair. Some steps that are given in the article will help you to stop the shedding from your cat.

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