Do Cat’s Understand Words?

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Do you ever wonder why your cats stare at you without any motion when you call their name? Do your cats understand words and do your cats know you want to get their attention? Yes, cats understand words (as their name, words you repeated in front of them), but not as humans understand.

In this article, we will discuss cats’ understanding of different words, different movements of humans, and different sounds. Let’s dive deep into the article, the answer may surprise you.

Can cats understand their name?

Yes, cats know their names it’s due to positive reinforcement because at playtime, food time, and when they need attention we mostly call them by their names. We can say that they know there are some treats when we call their names.

Can cats understand their name?

Cats understand their names and easily differentiate their or other pets’ names. But the fact is that cats are more aloof than dogs, independent they always don’t reply to their name but if you have a cat that runs towards you, when you call their name, Congratulations!

Do cats understand human language?

Cats’ cognitive skills are not as advanced as humans, they understand language but not as well as humans. For Example, as our cats meow, we understand that they want to talk with us, but don’t know what exactly they are talking about.

Your cats can pick up clues and signs from your body language such as tone of voice, and how you are picking them. They easily understand your mood.

Do cats understand human language

For Example, If you call them with a gentle voice, they come near to you, kneading purring, and be a lap cat, but in contrast, if you talk in a loud or harsh voice, they tremble and run from the place.

Most cats show no verbal response (such as ears and tail movements) to their owners because when they need to, they can talk to you. A chatty cat might reply verbally, but this is less seen.

How Many Words Do Cats Understand?

Cats understand words around 30–40 words and up to 50 words. This can be good if we say that cats only understand specific words, not their meaning, etc.

Our feline family members associate words with the tone, action/outcome, and body language when they are connected to feeding, petting, or playtime. The words that are repeated most frequently are the ones our cats are most likely to respond to.

Do cats understand commands?

If this question is still wondering in your mind whether my cats understand me or not, do my cats understand commands? It can depend on different factors such as breed or active nature or not. For example, some cats are considered to be dumb and lazy. But the fact is that most cats understand commands.

They know to say sit, stay, and also the word” no” when needed. If I talk about my Persian cat, she understands different commands and easily recognizes my voice tone.

When we call them with a gentle voice she knows there are some treats, but when she’s doing something wrong, and I harshly say her name, she stops and sees me with her innocent face.

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Do cats understand kisses?

Cats don’t understand kisses as human knows. But they know that this body movement of their owners is about to show their love and affection. Some cats like kisses, such as kittens or maybe adult cats, but not all cats like kisses.

Do cats understand kisses?

This is a good way, but cats don’t understand kisses as much, you can show love by grooming, petting, cuddling, and some playtime, etc.

Do Cats Understand Each Other?

Yes, cats understand each other and they less meow when they communicate with their feline peers. Mostly, cats meow more with humans than other pets. They can communicate by chemical, smell, and rolling themselves, etc.

Cats have smaller features but quicker movement, you can miss important messages from your cat if you blink your eyes.

Do cats like being talked to?

Yes, cats like to be talked to because this is a good way to maintain a strong relationship with your cat. As we know, cats are social animals and like to communicate with humans and their owners.

This can not only help to maintain a strong relationship with your cat but also help to reduce stress in both you and your cats.

Cats only respond to familiar voices, as their owners and family members, and research shows that mostly they respond to gentle voices.


Do cats understand when you talk to them?

Yes, cats are familiar with their owner’s voice, they know that you are talking to them, but it depends on your cat whether they respond or ignore you.

Do cats understand when you cry?

Cats don’t comprehend their owner’s tears, but they detect vocal changes and owners’ behavior while they are crying.

Do cats try to talk to you?

Cats do talk to their pet parents, typically using a meow to ask for their cat food bowl to be filled, a whine to ask for more pets, and perhaps a hiss to tell you to back off.

Do cats understand when you scold them?

Pets often have no idea what just happened or why you’re yelling at them. “We don’t scold cats because no matter how carefully [you choose your] words, cats still don’t understand English.


Cats can understand words but not as humans, they only understand words, not their meanings. Mostly cats understand humans in the way of voice tone and the way you treat them. Cats know their names, they know words that are frequently repeated in front of them, and they recognize their owner’s moods easily.

Leave any comment about your cat, and how many words your cat understands.

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