Difference Between Male And Female Persian cat

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Persian cats are excellent companions with round heads, short noses, luxurious fur, and large expressive eyes. If you are adopting a Persian cat, you must know the main difference between male and female Persian cats. This article might be helpful for you to choose a male and female Persian cat.

Genitalia Difference Between Male And Female Persian Cat

How can we identify the sex of Male and female Persian cats, here are the physical differences between male and female Persian cats.

  • Female cats: When looking at a female cat’s genital area, the space just under her tail, it will look like an upside-down exclamation point (¡) with the long slit of the vaginal area below the anus. The anus and vagina are typically only about half an inch apart. In kittens, the anus and vagina may both look like dots, and they may be even closer together.
  • Male cats: The male cat has a larger separation between the anus and the penis, with the testicles in the middle. Both of these openings look more like dots, circles, or a colon (:) than like slits or lines.

Male Persian Cat; Personality Overview

Male Persian cats are larger than females, have a stocky build, and have a wider structure than females. Male cats are aggressive, they often start fighting. Unneutered male cats are more aggressive than neutered cats and are almost similar to female Persian cats.

Male Persian Cat; Personality Overview

Male cats don’t like to spend their whole time in one place, they want to rush outside. Male cats can roam miles in search of female desires. They mostly rush outside when they are in mating seasons. Mostly, they feel to guard their territory. If they are threatened, they will fight so brutally and leave other cats injured.

They are more social and playful, more affectionate than females, but they also have their naughty side. They are more vocal than females, they start yowling when they start spraying. Males are more independent and high-spirited. But as they have luxurious fur, you must care about your male cat, so that they do not get any disease.

The traits of male cats can be transferred to their kittens, if male cats are shy their kitten must be shy. Male cats are not good for households with babies.

Female Persian Cat Personality

Female Persian cats are loyal and more affectionate towards their owners and caregivers. Females are slightly smaller than male Persian cats. Mostly they are independent and bossy type, spending their time outside to entertain themselves.

Female Persian Cat Personality

Female Persian cats are less active and less spirited. These cats are less vocal than male and often less involved in any disputes with their littermates. Female Persian cats are more elegant and sedate in appearance than Male Persian cats.

Unspayed Female Persian cats experience heat, they become more vocal during that period. The female cat produces a smell and funny noises that are meant to attract males and a sign that “the cat is available for mating”.

If your Female cat sees the door open, she rushes outside for mating. If your unspayed female cat goes outside during heat, she may return home pregnant.

Physical Differences Between Male And Female Persian Cat

The major difference between males and females is physical differences such as body structure, facial structure, and coat length.

Male vs. Female Persian Cats: Size Differences

One of the major differences between male and female Persian cats is their size. As we know, Male cats are larger than Female cats. Persian cats are not larger cat breeds, they are medium-sized, but they seem larger due to their double or triple coat.

Persian cats normally weigh around 7 to 13 pounds (ca. 6 kg). Male cats are strenuous and larger, weighing around 9 to 13 pounds (ca. 6 kg). Female Persian cats are smaller, less, and weigh around 7 to 12 pounds (5.44 kg).

You may also like: https://persiancatinfo.com/average-persian-cat-weight/

Male Vs Female Persian Cat: Facial Features

Male and female Persian cats also have a little difference in their facial structure. Male Persian cats have broader heads and faces than females, They have prominent features with wider heads noses, and cheeks.

On the other hand, Female Persian cats are elegant with beautiful, refined facial structures. Females are more attractive and gracious look, they have small facial structures and bossy-type attitudes.

Male Vs Female Persian Cat: Coat Length and Texture

The length and texture of the coat can vary between male and female Persians. Both genders have long, dense fur, but male cats might have a more lavish and fuller coat, while female cats could have a slightly lighter and less voluminous coat.

Regular is essential for both male and female Persians to prevent matting and tangles.

Which Is Best For You? Male Or Female

Both Male and Female Persian cats have proved to be wonderful pets, they almost have the same facial structure and grooming requirements.

If you are a job person, a female Persian cat is best for you, they are independent, lovely, and affectionate. A Female Persian cat loves isolation and a calm environment.

If you love sociable and playful felines, Male Persian cats are best for you; they don’t love being kept in a single place. Males are playful, more active, often fight, and love to be cuddled by their owners.


Male Persian cats are larger than females in size. Males are sociable, playful, and aggressive but Female Persian cats are independent and have elegant personalities, these cats are more lovely and friendly than males. Female cats don’t dispute with their Males.

We hope you feel more prepared to adopt a Persian cat. If you are not planning to breed, you should strongly consider spaying or neutering your Persian kitten. This way, you can avoid the undesirable personality traits that come with unfixed cats.

I have a black female Persian cat, one of the most beautiful cats in my life. Her name Is Mano, she likes to lounge in a calm environment. She is an independent and lovely cat.

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