Can Persian Cats Catch Mice?

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To answer the question that a Persian cat catch mice? Yes, they can catch mice. They have the same instincts as any other cat. It is understandable how a person might not think a Persian could find a mouse. Persians are known for being docile, and for furniture with fur.

For centuries cats were chosen by humans for their natural ability to hunt. Cats have lived alongside humans to control the rodent population for thousands of years.

They worked on farms, in ports, and even on the decks and holds of ships to catch and kill mice. In the modern world, you don’t see cats used quite like that anymore, but that doesn’t make them any less able to catch and kill mice.

Can Persian cats catch mice in the house?

Their natural hunting instincts, coupled with their excellent eyesight and hearing, make them skilled hunters. However, it’s worth noting that not all Persian cats will enjoy hunting. Some may prefer to lounge and cuddle rather than hunt.

Cats don’t eat mice—they’re hunters, but they’ll leave a mouse alone if it’s well-fed (and they won’t kill prey unless they’re hungry). This can be helpful: It means that having a cat around doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll have fewer mice in your house.

Typically, cats will do a great job at keeping mice away in the main areas of the home. However, this doesn’t mean the mice will be gone for good and they will usually require professional treatment.

But one thing that should be remembered is that the Persian cats can catch mice but they are not so much interested in them.

What makes My Persian a Good Mouser?

 Persian intelligence makes them able to outsmart their little nemesis. The female of the breed seems to be better at it than the males. Females have taught their kittens from the beginning to hunt, and mice were a common food source.

There should be various reasons why your cat is a good mouser and it depends on:

  • Individual Variation: Each cat, regardless of breed, is unique. While Persian cats as a breed are not typically associated with hunting, there are always exceptions. Some Persians may have a stronger prey drive or a more active interest in hunting.
  • Early Experiences: If your Persian cat had early positive experiences with hunting, such as exposure to mice or other small prey during kittenhood, it might have developed and retained a stronger hunting instinct.
  • Environment: The presence of mice in your home could stimulate your Persian cat’s natural instincts to hunt. The availability of prey can trigger a cat’s hunting behavior, even in breeds not traditionally known for it.
  • Play Behavior: Persian cats, like many others, engage in play that mimics hunting behavior. If your Persian is particularly playful, it might translate into effective hunting skills when faced with real prey.
  • Training or Encouragement: Sometimes, unintentional reinforcement or positive experiences related to hunting can encourage a cat to continue the behavior. For example, if your cat successfully catches a mouse and receives positive attention or treats, it may be motivated to continue hunting.

What if My Persian Can’t or Doesn’t Want to Hunt Mice?

It’s entirely normal if your Persian cat isn’t interested in hunting mice. Persian cats are known for their calm and gentle nature, and they haven’t been bred for strong hunting instincts.

Individual personalities can vary widely among cats, and your Persian may simply not have a strong prey drive or interest in hunting activities.

Unlike some other breeds, Persians are often content to enjoy a comfortable indoor environment without displaying the same level of curiosity or activity associated with hunting.

That’s okay. No one said your Persian had to be a mouser. This article is about whether a Persian can catch mice or not.

Best hunting cat breed

Usually, the cats are known as the predators. They hunt on some birds or insects but you know that all breeds of cats don’t have the ability the hunt as they just enjoy being comfortable at home or being lap cats.

Some special cat breeds that can be best at hunting are as follows:

Siamese cats: The Siamese cats were the first choice for the royal family in Thailand. This cat breed has long been regarded as a favorite for hunting down rats, mice, and other rodents.

Maine coon: As one of the oldest domesticated cats, the Maine Coon is known for its hunting abilities, particularly its ability to catch mice. Due to their gentle nature and affectionate personality towards people and other animals, these cats are great at catching small rodents.

Siberian: In the West, the Siberian cat breed originates from Russia and Siberia, which is why they are the perfect choice for owners who are looking for a cat that can handle colder climates.

Although they may be large and fluffy, Siberians are agile and swift hunters, making them perfect for catching mice and other large rodents.

American shorthair: American shorthairs have long tails, sharp claws, and excellent hearing making them very good at catching prey

Chartreux: It might have a funny name, but the Chartreux breed has been a favorite for many long centuries. Although they enjoy playing games with their owners, they also have a more serious side, especially when hunting rodents.

There is a natural hunting instinct in this breed of cat. Their agility, muscularity, and speed make them perfect for catching mice and other fast rodents.

Manx: If you are looking for a cat that is good at hunting then the Manx breed might help you to deal with your demands. As long as your home is littered with plenty of mouseholes, the Manx will love nothing more than catching one.  

They are agile and quick-footed, making them excellent at moving quickly through tight spaces. They don’t have a strong prey drive and usually catch mice by lurking around them or jumping on top of them.

Japanese bobtail: Japanese bobtails are natural-born mouse hunters. In the past, this cat breed’s population was mainly in Korean silk factories where they were raised to keep mice populations down.

Burmese: This cat breed is constantly on the lookout for food, including any mice that may be scuttering by.  Burmese cats are intelligent, fast, and agile, which are good characteristics for a mouser to have.

Persian: Persians are a good choice for cat owners who want an attractive cat with a soft and luxurious coat. Not only is the Persian a beautiful cat breed to own, but they’re great mousers. These cats hunt a mouse down and kill it quickly and efficiently.

Turkish Angora: The Turkish Angora cat breed is a Middle Eastern cat breed from Turkey. This is not a man-made cat breed through selective breeding, but instead, a breed of cat that occurs naturally. Turkish Angora cats are graceful and lethal hunters who can catch their prey easily. Not only does this cat breed have the physical strength and speed to catch mice, but they’re highly intelligent animals.

Best mouser Persian cat male or female

Female cats are often better mousers than males. Cats of either gender that are “fixed” are better mousers than those that are intact because they think about hunting and not finding a mate.


In conclusion, we can say that a Persian cat can catch mice. You know that all the breeds are not so much experts in it. While some can also become expert in it. So by this, that is not necessary that your cat should be a hunter.

 It can also mean your Persian may be excellent at catching mice, which means you won’t have to worry if there have been mice dancing on your silverware.

Leave any comments about this article. Do you also have a Persian cat? Do your cats also catch mice? Or maybe one who wouldn’t touch a mouse? Tell us your story below. We’d love to hear from you.

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