Can Cats Have Down Syndrome?

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Cats can also suffer from some disorders like the human being. Many of us have found ourselves asking if the cats have Down syndrome or not.

Can cats have Down syndrome? This question has become common in recent years. Veterinarians hear this question more often than you think. People just ask these questions if they find any abnormal behavior and look in their cat that resembles Down syndrome.

The physical and behavioral symptoms of these cats may be similar to the types of feline Down syndrome. But you should always keep in mind that the cat can never be truly Down syndrome, as this is the thing that occurs mostly in humans.

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition where a person is born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. This means that they have a total of 47 chromosomes instead of 46. This can affect how their brain and body develop.

They have physical characteristics like low muscle tone, a flat nasal bridge, a short neck, slanted upturned eyes, and small ears.

So technically we can say that the cats do not have chromosome 21 so they can’t have Down syndrome. Cats have 19 chromosomes, so it is just impossible to have Down syndrome in cats.

Cats can suffer from other neurological or physical conditions that can mimic the signs of Down Syndrome.

Why there can be no cats with Down’s syndrome?

Why there can be no cats with Down's syndrome?

Unlike humans, who have 23 pairs of chromosomes, cats have only 19 pairs of chromosomes. It is therefore simply impossible for these four-legged friends to suffer from trisomy 21. Cats with Down’s syndrome therefore do not exist, despite claims to the contrary.

Down syndrome-like symptoms in cats

A cat can’t have Down syndrome, but it can exhibit Down syndrome-like symptoms. Symptoms of it include:

  • Change in behavior or it is different compared to other cats
  • Small or queerly shaped ears
  • Eyes problems
  • Wide-set eyes that are upturned
  • cardiac problems
  • Hypotonia
  • Hearing loss
  • Flat or upturned nose
  • Diarrhea
  • Small stature
  • A poor coat condition
  • Constipation

If you see any of these symptoms in your cat, please take them to the vet. Although they can’t have Down syndrome but can have genetic disorders.

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Can Other Animals Have Down Syndrome?

Though Down syndrome is a human condition, there are interesting genetic similarities to Trisomy 21 found in the animal kingdom. It includes:

Can Other Animals Have Down Syndrome?

  • Mice 
  • Chimpanzees


Why does my cat look like Down syndrome?

Further, some cats have cerebellar hypoplasia, a condition that can cause some behaviors and traits of these Down syndrome cats. Cats whose mothers were exposed to certain toxins can suffer various congenital malformations affecting the facial structure and the neurological system.

Can cats have mental disorders?

Cats also face mental health issues. It’s not just people who experience trauma, depression, and anxiety: animals can, too.

Can there be Down syndrome in animals?

Animals are unable to get Down’s syndrome as they carry different numbers of chromosomes than people. But some animals like mice and chimpanzees can have Down syndrome.

Can cats be special needs?

If you visit an animal shelter, you may see cats with special needs. While most are able-bodied, others may require additional attention due to a variety of ailments such as blindness, amputation, and deafness. Some cats are born with these conditions, while others by accidents or injury.


Cats can also suffer from some disorders like the human being. We can say that the cats do not have chromosome 21 so they can’t have Down syndrome. Cats have 19 chromosomes, so it is just impossible to have Down syndrome in cats.

Cats can suffer from other neurological or physical conditions that can mimic the signs of Down Syndrome. A cat can’t have Down syndrome, but it can exhibit Down syndrome-like symptoms, which are given in the article.

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