Can Cat See Ghosts?

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If you are a Persian cat owner, then you might find them staring at the walls or something weird in your house. It’s not uncommon for people to be curious about whether cats can see ghosts.

Given odd happenings and cats’ sharp vision and hearing, it’s no wonder many people find themselves asking, “Can cats see ghosts?” One of the many fascinating myths about our beloved felines is that they can see spirits. So, can cats see ghosts or not?

If you are wondering whether a Persian cat can see ghosts? Then don’t worry, this post is all about you. We will explore different things about it.

What makes some owners believe cats can sense spirits and ghosts?

Despite the lack of evidence, some owners still believe that cats can see ghosts. There are answers as to why cats act the way they do, however.

From staring blankly at something that isn’t there to twitching their ears in all sorts of directions. There is a collection of evidence that cat lovers have put together to try to prove the case that feline superpowers are real.

How cats see

Cats are predators and thus have evolved great eyesight to help them when hunting. However, a cat’s eyesight in the daytime is not as good as our own. Cats have more limited color vision than us, and they are less able to focus on objects at different distances than we are.

However, a cat’s vision in the dark is far superior to ours. Their large pupils allow much more light to enter the eye than ours do, helping them to see in low-light conditions.

However, cats don’t just rely on their eyes to sense the world around them, they also use their ears and nose and those lovely long cat whiskers. 

The tapetum lucidum is the tissue at the back of the cat’s eye that reflects light to the optic nerve, further improving the cat’s ability to see in low light.

This tissue is responsible for the green glow seen when light is reflected from a cat’s eyes in the dark—the cat’s eye is reflecting light to the optic nerve to improve nighttime vision.

How cats hear

Our perception of the environment is very different from that of cats. Did you know that they can hear frequencies four to five times higher than we can? Humans hear frequencies of up to 20,000 Hz, but cats can hear sounds up to 64,000 Hz—more than three times higher than we can.

They have access to a range of ultrasounds that are inaudible to humans because of their high frequency.

Cats can hear noises such as a mouse scuttling through the grass, or a squirrel climbing up a tree from about 10 meters away. Their sensitive hearing is one reason why cats may wake all of a sudden from a deep sleep.

When cats tilt and move their heads, they are trying to find an angle that helps them hear best and focus on where the noise is coming from. 

When are a cat’s actions something to worry about?

Even though cats seeing ghosts would be fascinating, and would unlock doors into an alternative universe, often their reactions and behavior, rather than being associated with the spirit world, can be a sign of something else.

If their sudden reactions and behavior start to cause issues in your home, or they start to become destructive or aggressive, or you have any other concerns, then you should seek advice from your vet.

“We don’t know if our pets can see ghosts. If their behavior causes additional problems like a fear reaction or property damage, seek a behavior professional for help,” Shojai said.


The answer to the question Can cats see ghosts is typically no. They are just our loyal companions and feline friends. I think it is due to the lack of evidence that people think that they can see ghosts. It sounds weird. Although they can see better in the low light due to their specific eye structure.

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