Are Calico Persian Cats Rare?

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If you want to know whether your Calico Persian cat is rare or not, then this post is all about you. The answer to this question is that the female Calico cat is not rare but the male calico Persian cat is so much rare.

Calico Persian cat is much beautiful creature that has taken the attention of all cat lovers worldwide.

Their coat patterns and charming and attractive personalities make them popular with feline enthusiasts.

What is a calico Persian cat?

Calico Persian cat is a specific color variation of a Persian cat breed. Normally the Calico Persian cat is recognized by its beautiful and charming coat that has three distinct feature colors orange, white, and black.

 Their fur is soft, and they carry it in long, thick waves all over their body. Their body structure is so unique. They have long and slender necks and large eyes.

Size of a calico Persian cat

Size can vary in different breeds but they are medium-sized breeds overall height of 8”-10″ (20-25 cm) and a body length of 14.5”-17.5” (37-44 cm).

Weight of Calico Persian cat: They are slightly large in comparison to other cat breeds of the same body type. However, there are also small species of this breed also as well.

Size of a calico Persian cat

The weight of calico Persian cats depends upon the varieties of female breeds. These breeds vary in the breed as female calico Persian cats weigh about 4 to 5 kg(9-12 pounds) and male Calico Persian cats 5to 6 kg(11-15 pounds)

Female Calico cats have smaller bodies than male calico cats because they have stocky bodies and strenuous bones. Mostly calico cats are female and weigh about 5 to 6 kg.

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The Unique Coat of Calico Persians

Calico Persian cats are also rare because of their striking appearance. Their demand is increasing day by day because their three-color matching makes them unique in every way. The combination of white, black, and orange makes their demand more because they attract humans.

These cats have colorful patches swirls and spots on their body and are also known as tricolor cats. This distinctive coat is one of the reasons why they are highly sought after among cat enthusiasts.

The Genetics Behind Calico Coats

Genetics of calico Persian cats release secrets as to why these cats are rare. Calico coloring is linked to a specific gene on the X chromosome. As such, Calico cats are almost always female. Male Calico cats are exceptionally rare and typically the result of genetic anomalies.

The Genetics Behind Calico Coats

These cats are only female due to the inactivation of the X chromosome. The gene for the calico coloration is related to the X chromosome, and two of these X chromosomes are needed for a Persian cat to have the distinctive tricolor coat. Since female cats have XX chromosomes, and males have XY chromosomes, the calico pattern and color occur only in females.

The rarity of Calico Persians

The rarity of Calico Persians is a result of both their genetic makeup and the specific color combinations required to achieve their signature coats.

While there are numerous Persian cats, true Calico Persians with distinctive three-color patterns are relatively uncommon. Calico cats are not bred because nature produces them randomly.

Why Calico Cats are always Female?

About 99% of calico cats are female. According to research, In every 3000 calico cats, one is male calico cats. Calico cats are predominantly female because their coloring is related to the X chromosome.

I’ll try not to put you to sleep with a complicated genetics lesson, so here’s a quick overview: Two X chromosomes are needed for a cat to have that distinctive TRI-tricolor color coat. If a cat has an XX pair, she will be female.

Are 99% of calico cats female?

99.9% of all calico cats are indeed female, and here’s why: Like humans, female cats have two X chromosomes (XX) and male cats have an X and a Y chromosome (XY). It is the X chromosome that determines which color your cat has.

Is a calico cat a rare gender?

Are calico cats rare? Female calico cats are not rare by any means, they can be found all over the world. However, male calico cats are very rare due to genetic properties that go into a cat being calico, to begin with. Calico cats cannot be bred, since their coloring only happens by chance.


Female Calico Persia cats are not rare you can find them worldwide but male calico cats are rare due to their genetic makeup. If you are a calico parent you must know about their striking appearance. These cats are a combination of three colors white black and orange.

Leave any comment about your calico cat rarity, we should be glad to share your opinion.

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