20 Interesting Facts About Black Tabby Cats

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Black-tabby cats
are the most common cats and are famous for their coat pattern. Tabby cats are affectionate and loving feline friends. Tabby cats have a unique appearance.

I’m sure that you’ve seen this striking creature.

Black-tabby cats have many secrets in their personalities here, I tell you an interesting fact about this cat.

Table of Contents

1. The black-tabby cat is also known as the black tiger cat:


Black-tabby cats have different features that are similar to tigers. House cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers. You read that right, TIGERS.

They also share some of the same behavior habits such as scent and urine marking, prey stalking, and pouncing. The second similarity is all about the pattern on the cat’s coat, the same stripes as a tiger.

2. The tabby gene can be found in all cats:

Every domestic cat carries tabby genes. Tabby is not a breed, but tabby means (watered silk pattern) that is specified for the coat pattern of a cat.

The cat with a tabby pattern has a dominant gene and the cat with a solid color has a recessive gene.

A cat having stripes on its body has the tabby gene.

3. Tabbies have a characteristic “M” on their forehead:


Tabbies have specific markings on their forehead with the alphabet letter’M” This characteristic of the special sign on the head is carried by the tabby gene. This is located on the head between two ears.

This marking is most noticeable in tabbies due to the contrast of color. These unique markings help to make tabbies one of the most recognizable cat breeds in the world.

4. Tabby cats have unique patterns:

Classic tabbies have bold, swirling patterns, mackerel tabbies have narrow stripes and spotted tabbies have large or small spots.

Ticked tabbies don’t have stripes or spots, but instead, have tabby markings on the face and gouty hairs (hairs with more than one band of color) on the body.

Patched tabbies can show any one of the previous patterns, with the markings usually more apparent on the legs and head.

5Black Tabby cats may shimmer

Black tabby cats sparkle in the sunlight due to their shiny coat. Black tabby cats also have other pattern such as gouty that are different from base to tip.

Solid black tabby cats skin bright due to their fluffy coat and make striking appearance.

6. Black tabby cats are often regarded as one of the most popular cat colors:

Black tabby cats are often considered to be one of the most popular cat colors. This is likely due to their unique appearance.

Black tabby cats are characterized by their black fur with distinct striped markings. These markings can vary in pattern and intensity, but they typically form a classic tiger-like stripe.

7Black Cats Can Change Color

Mostly, cats love to stay in sunlight? This sunlight has UV rays that can cause change in the black pigment to rustic color pigment.

But after shedding, the new fresh black color appears on their coat.

8A tabby cat typically has yellow or green eyes:

All cats are indeed special, but black tabby cats are particularly special due to a few distinguishing characteristics. Black-tabby is famous for the different bases which are their silk marking pattern and second are their eyes.

These cats have either yellow or green eyes, which give them a mysterious, striking appearance. Tabby cats have playful personalities, cats have curiosity to explore surroundings. Cats usually climb trees and always check what is happening new in the world.

9Cats can jump 5 times their height:

The cat’s body does not have as hard a structure as other animals, the cat has a flexible body and acts as a parachute.

So a cat can jump 5 times higher than their height, this one fact is impressive!

10. Tabbies are an excellent hunter:

There is no doubt that tabbies are by nature hunters. If you are in search of a “mouse exterminator” then the tabby cat is best for this.

If you have a tabby cat in your house is safe from all types of toxic insects.

11. The average lifespan of a black tabby cat is 12–15 years:

There are different theories about the lifespan of a black tabby cat, but luckily these cats tend to live longer than other cats. Black-tabby cats are also called house cats because they have less exposure to sunlight and less risk of skin cancer.

These cats have less fat and a strong immune system to survive in severe conditions, so they live longer than other breeds. Black Tabby are some one of the best survivor cats in the world.

If you are searching to a feline friend with a long life span, then black tabbies are a good selection.

12. It is estimated that cats sleep 70% of their lives:

Cats are mostly active at night, but they are always lazy and slumber in the daytime. Cats love you as a feline friend, but cats love more the place where they sleep.

Cats usually sleep around an average of 15 hours PER day. This means that a cat spends roughly 70% of their lives sleeping. Must be nice to be a cat!

13Black Tabby Cat Prefer Clean Environment

Tabby cats are the clean feline friends. These cats don’t like dirty environments, and most of the time is spent in the grooming of themselves. They expect from owner to clean their space, and they remove litter from litter box if you don’t take care of them continuously.

Give them a clean and soft environment to sleep.

14It is well known that black tabby cats are very affectionate and loving pets.

Tabbies are known for being friendly, affectionate, and playful, Besides being affectionate and loving, these cats are also well-known to be very loyal companions.

Various personality traits can be displayed by cats, regardless of their coat color or pattern, from being affectionate and social to being independent and reserved.

Black-tabby cats are low-maintenance breeds they have no such grooming etc. as other cats, and they luckily become less prey of any disease.so black tabby cats are good companions and have compassion for his/her owner.

15 They might make you rich.

In many Asian countries, such as China and Japan, black cats are not only considered good luck but may also attract wealth. That’s why you’ll see many black Maneki Nikos, which are believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune, in Chinese or Japanese restaurants and grocery stores. That’s double the luck.

When you encounter a strange black cat on your porch, it’s considered quite the lucky thing in Scotland, according to legend. That’s because black cats bring prosperity, something that the Scottish seem to take to heart. Recently, a Scottish bingo hall recruited several black cats to improve the luck of its patrons.


Tabbies are fantastic pets, especially for children, because of how social and friendly they are. They love participating in family activities and thrive on being around their human families and other cats or dogs in your home.

Cats become irritated when they become prisoners. So give them the freedom to explore their surroundings.

17. Tabbies have unique personalities:

Tabbies are very good at expressing their feelings and will let you know if they are sad, angry, happy, or playful. They are known for being friendly, affectionate, and playful, so their human families are in for quite the treat.

18Black Tabby Cats Seek Attention

Black Tabby cats are attention-seeker. They love to wander around their owners. If they are left alone in a room, the quiet cat also become vocal and start meowing. In this irritation, they can also scratch furniture and other things in the room.

They can disturb you in your work and seek attention that can feel them healthy.

19Tabby cats are curious

Have you seen your cat observing your work while of the time? Whatever you are doing, either you are working on laptop, cooking food or going to washroom!

They are under your feet when you are doing something important and irritates you.

20Several cultures regard black tabby cats as good luck charms:

Many civilizations have traditionally considered black tabby cats to be good luck charms. Tabby cats were adored as gods in Ancient Egypt, and they were thought to have magical powers in medieval Europe. Black tabby cats are still considered lucky in many parts of the world today.

Tabby cats, for example, are frequently presented as gifts to new enterprises and families in Japan. It is thought that black tabby cats may ward off evil spirits in China. In the United States, they are frequently depicted on lucky charms and souvenirs.


What are some cool facts about black cats?

1-Black cats are the most common feline friend
.2-Mostly black cats have yellow eyes.
3-Black cats are the symbol of progress and prosperity.
4-black cats are less likely to be adopted.

Why black cats are mysterious?

By the belief of some people, black cats are familiar to witches. Their dark fur and color show hidden and unseen aspects of life. Black cats are more active at night, and the brightness of their eyes causes a strange fear.

Are black tabbies rare?

No, black tabbies are the most common cats in the world.

How long do black tabbies live?

The average life span of a black tabby is 12–15 years.


This article simply covers all the interesting facts about black tabby cats, and I am sure it has given you a lot of information. If you are adopting a cat, you must have much knowledge about your new feline friend.

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